Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Himalayan Crystal Salt :for your welbeing

Himalayan Crystal salt as mentioned in Independent 22nd Jan 08 in article: 'How Salt Can Actually Be Good For You' Extract: ''Unrefined Rock Salt contains more than 84 different minerals.

How It Can Heal: PMS: Mineral rich salts can help ease PMS, reducing water retention and muscular tension. JOINT PROBLEMS: Minerals have an alkalising effect on the body which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body reducing pain. BACK PAIN: Mineral salt has magnesium which helps relax. BONE STRENGTH: Minerals help bone strength and unrefined rock salt is high in minerals. The rose coloured crystals are claimed to help digestion, strengthen bones, ease arthritis and relax the nervous and muscular system.''

'Sole' is a mixture of water and salt which has many health benefits. A mixture of sole can be made by Himalayan salt crystals dissolved in water or can be purchased at: