Doing some cooking to day try this:
A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat upfluffier.

Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Boiled Eggs and Himalayan Salt
What to do when you crack your egg putting it in the pan: try this trick!
Add a little salt to your hot water when cooking eggs;a cracked egg will stay in its shell this way.
Add a little salt to your hot water when cooking eggs;a cracked egg will stay in its shell this way.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Himalayan Salt and eggs
Every eaten a bad egg...I have, it was *****ful; but never again with this method::
Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water; fresh eggs sink; bad ones float.
Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water; fresh eggs sink; bad ones float.
Monday, June 25, 2007
What to do with Himalayan Salt
Does your salads go limp in the fridge, if so then add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Wet Salt tip.
We have had so much rain here in the UK of late that the salt is not coming out of the salt shaker.
So I have put a few grains of rice in my salt shaker and the salt is now pouring out very well despite the rain.
If you want to buy some Himalayan Salt for our table and change the taste of your food go to:
So I have put a few grains of rice in my salt shaker and the salt is now pouring out very well despite the rain.
If you want to buy some Himalayan Salt for our table and change the taste of your food go to:
Friday, June 22, 2007
Asthma? try a salt pipe!
Polish doctor called F Bochkowsky noticed something very unusual about his patients in the small mining town where he worked. Almost to a man, they never seemed to suffer from respiratory symptoms, such as asthma, allergies and hay fever.He discovered that the salty moist disinfectant air inside the mines absorbed the tiny salt particles that penetrated their respiratory system.His discovery – made back in 1843 – has been vindicated in a range of scientific trials by Dr Sarolta Mesko and Dr Margit Szekely, who used a simple device called the Breath Easy Salt pipe. To order yours, please click on the link: thousands of people with respiratory problems visit the region where Dr Bochkowsky practised all those years ago – just to ‘take the air’ in the mines.Similar salt mines – in Solzbad, Austria and Praid in Romania – have been turned into sanatoriums where people can breathe in the magical healing air.But the trip costs them thousands of pounds – and yet the same benefits are available to you, from your armchair.To read more, and to discover how the Salt Pipe could help your respiratory problems, please click on the link:, these dramatic improvements were achieved in just two weeks of using the Salt Pipe.Dr Szekely recorded that the Salt Pipe:· significantly improves a person’s ability to breathe out· this trapped mucus in the windpipes, so reducing the chances of night coughing· prevents and reduces night suffocation, one of the main causes of snoring· makes breathing much easier.
If you live in the UK email me at and I can supply you.
UK price is £29.99
Posted by Richard Haigh at 7:40 AM 0 comments Links to this
If you live in the UK email me at and I can supply you.
UK price is £29.99
Posted by Richard Haigh at 7:40 AM 0 comments Links to this
Thursday, June 21, 2007
What to use Himalayan salt for?
. Soak fish in salt water before de-scaling; the scales willcome off easier.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
What to do with Salt
Salt tip number Two:....Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away!
An interesting Fact:
Every day, each of the earth's 5.9 billion inhabitants uses salt. Annual salt production has increased over the past century from 10 million tons to over 200 million tons today. Nearly 100 nations have salt producing facilities ranging from primitive solar evaporation to advanced, multi-stage evaporation in salt refineries.away
An interesting Fact:
Every day, each of the earth's 5.9 billion inhabitants uses salt. Annual salt production has increased over the past century from 10 million tons to over 200 million tons today. Nearly 100 nations have salt producing facilities ranging from primitive solar evaporation to advanced, multi-stage evaporation in salt refineries.away
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Himalayan Salt
If you have come to this Blog for information on Himalayan Salt Crystal: then you have come to the right place:
We are the people in the know Himalayan Salt Crystal Experts, in fact
Although you may not know it, there are many uncanny uses for Himalayan Salt > Visit us often and read all about it!
1. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.
Buy your Himalayan Salt here
We are the people in the know Himalayan Salt Crystal Experts, in fact
Although you may not know it, there are many uncanny uses for Himalayan Salt > Visit us often and read all about it!
1. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.
Buy your Himalayan Salt here
Saturday, June 16, 2007
20% off coupon
For those of you that are interested I have posted a 20% 0ff coupon for Native Remedies...a wonderful site....go take a look and claim your 20% coupon.
The coupon is available on my site
The coupon is available on my site
Friday, June 15, 2007
Nothing to do with salt lamps
A friend of mine had a room full of flies and a very bad smell. In her search for the source of the smell she found six dead crows up the chimney!
Being, like myself, a person who does no like to use chemical in any shape or form ( in this case an Air spray): she used the following :
Place a small bowl of vinegar in a room to absorb bad smells - especially the smell of smoke and animals. You can also wipe things over with white vinegar or use it in a spray.
Being, like myself, a person who does no like to use chemical in any shape or form ( in this case an Air spray): she used the following :
Place a small bowl of vinegar in a room to absorb bad smells - especially the smell of smoke and animals. You can also wipe things over with white vinegar or use it in a spray.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Smoking is bad news
Smoking is bad news:
· 390,000 American people die from the effects of smoking each year.
· Men are 22 times more likely to develop lung cancer by smoking
· Women are 12 times more likely.
· It cost a lot of money
· It is unsociable
· You stink and so does you house and clothes
Just to show you that I know what I am talking about: I used to smoke 60 a day and stopped just like that. I did it…you can do it. I am not saying that it is easy, but it can be done and you will feel much better for it.
Make a list of reasons why you want to stop smoking. This will mean very different things to different people, but if you know what you want from stopping, it could help you through the most difficult moments.
A very important part of this is to know what you would gain and what you would lose from stopping smoking.
To stop smoking need not cost you any money. Do it my way and believe me it will change you life. First let us diverse a bit and talk about your mind.
Your mind is made up of two parts
-the conscious, This is the part of your mind that makes judgments, comparisons it is the awake bit of you, the part you are using to read this,
and the unconscious or subconscious which is best illustrated as a three year old genie.
Your subconscious mind is a very resourceful and efficient tool.
· The subconscious can not determine right from wrong
· It does not judge.
· The more precise you want the outcome, the more efficient the subconscious mind can become.
Just imagine saying to a three year old child the way to boil an egg - "Stand in boiling water for three minutes". The unfortunate child would try to get his feet in the pan.
You have to be very precise with such directions because a three year old doesn't think – he/she accepts.
In exactly the same way your subconscious mind doesn't think. It's thinking is the job of the conscious mind. Thinking is a conscious activity. The subconscious mind just accepts and does. So it needs clear and explicit instructions. No maybes, its, or buts.
So what does it do this subconscious mind? Just what it is told to do and you do that in as clear a manner as possible.
I hope you are getting the picture as to how this will stop you smoking. So read on there is a bit more yet.
There are rules to this “ telling your subconscious “ what to do. I will keep this very simple for the sake of this article ( in this field there is a whole book ) after all , what you want to do is Stop Smoking.
The Rules:
Be precise
Must be positive. Through study it is know that the subconscious mind only accepts positive commands, not negative equivalents. If there is something you want to be rid of, phase it positively. You must leave out words like “give up” “not” “never”
Write down exactly what you want. Part of the reason why we write down our commands is to create a set of instructions for our subconscious mind to carry out.
Must be written in the first person “I”…I have…I am
The command must be read at least twice a day. Preferably rewritten
After each reading visualize you life with the command achieved.
Do not tell anyone about what you are doing. They will ridicule you and give your reasons why it will not work. This will pull you down.
Do not “Give up smoking” But “ I live a health lifestyle and see myself as a healthy person”
These techniques are used by all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons. People who are achievers. Do not simply scribble something down on a piece of paper and hope it will work.
You have two choices:
Put your whole commitment behind it and get in the right frame of mind to face the challenge.
Continue as you are and become one of the 390,000 American people who die from the effects of smoking each year.
If you still feel the need to read more to help you stop smoking: click the link below
· 390,000 American people die from the effects of smoking each year.
· Men are 22 times more likely to develop lung cancer by smoking
· Women are 12 times more likely.
· It cost a lot of money
· It is unsociable
· You stink and so does you house and clothes
Just to show you that I know what I am talking about: I used to smoke 60 a day and stopped just like that. I did it…you can do it. I am not saying that it is easy, but it can be done and you will feel much better for it.
Make a list of reasons why you want to stop smoking. This will mean very different things to different people, but if you know what you want from stopping, it could help you through the most difficult moments.
A very important part of this is to know what you would gain and what you would lose from stopping smoking.
To stop smoking need not cost you any money. Do it my way and believe me it will change you life. First let us diverse a bit and talk about your mind.
Your mind is made up of two parts
-the conscious, This is the part of your mind that makes judgments, comparisons it is the awake bit of you, the part you are using to read this,
and the unconscious or subconscious which is best illustrated as a three year old genie.
Your subconscious mind is a very resourceful and efficient tool.
· The subconscious can not determine right from wrong
· It does not judge.
· The more precise you want the outcome, the more efficient the subconscious mind can become.
Just imagine saying to a three year old child the way to boil an egg - "Stand in boiling water for three minutes". The unfortunate child would try to get his feet in the pan.
You have to be very precise with such directions because a three year old doesn't think – he/she accepts.
In exactly the same way your subconscious mind doesn't think. It's thinking is the job of the conscious mind. Thinking is a conscious activity. The subconscious mind just accepts and does. So it needs clear and explicit instructions. No maybes, its, or buts.
So what does it do this subconscious mind? Just what it is told to do and you do that in as clear a manner as possible.
I hope you are getting the picture as to how this will stop you smoking. So read on there is a bit more yet.
There are rules to this “ telling your subconscious “ what to do. I will keep this very simple for the sake of this article ( in this field there is a whole book ) after all , what you want to do is Stop Smoking.
The Rules:
Be precise
Must be positive. Through study it is know that the subconscious mind only accepts positive commands, not negative equivalents. If there is something you want to be rid of, phase it positively. You must leave out words like “give up” “not” “never”
Write down exactly what you want. Part of the reason why we write down our commands is to create a set of instructions for our subconscious mind to carry out.
Must be written in the first person “I”…I have…I am
The command must be read at least twice a day. Preferably rewritten
After each reading visualize you life with the command achieved.
Do not tell anyone about what you are doing. They will ridicule you and give your reasons why it will not work. This will pull you down.
Do not “Give up smoking” But “ I live a health lifestyle and see myself as a healthy person”
These techniques are used by all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons. People who are achievers. Do not simply scribble something down on a piece of paper and hope it will work.
You have two choices:
Put your whole commitment behind it and get in the right frame of mind to face the challenge.
Continue as you are and become one of the 390,000 American people who die from the effects of smoking each year.
If you still feel the need to read more to help you stop smoking: click the link below
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Benefits of Salt Lamps
Lots of people swear by the salt crystal's healing capability, laying claim of relief from the common cold, the curing of skin problems, mental health disorders, respiratory illness, headaches, migraines and much more. These original salt lamps are the most exquisite and naturally pure lights now made. A heated salt crystal lamp will attract water molecules from the air, forming a NaCl and H20 solution. Sodium is a positive ion, and Chloride, a negative ion. Hydrogen has a two part negative charge and Oxygen is a positively charged ion. These ions create a reaction of two positive ions and three negative ions. After canceling each other out, one lone negative ion is produced. This negative ion seeks out the first positive ion like a dust, or bacteria particle and zaps it. This is the process of positive ion reduction and is how our Himalayan Salt Lamps work.
To buy your salt lamp go to
To buy your salt lamp go to
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Apple juice for Asthma
By Anne Harding
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -
Drinking apple juice from concentrate daily may help ward off asthma symptoms in children, a study from the UK hints.
In a previous study, Dr. Seif O. Shaheen of the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London and colleagues found that eating apples seemed to protect adults from developing asthma symptoms. A number of other studies have linked higher fruit consumption to better lung function.
It's possible that the antioxidants contained in fruit counteract harmful oxidative stress due to pollution and ease inflammation, thus reducing asthma symptoms, Shaheen explained. And the antioxidant content of apples is particularly high, the researcher added.
Shaheen's team analyzed fruit intake and asthma symptoms in 2,640 children aged 5 to 10 years.
While there was no association between asthma symptoms and apples, children who drank apple juice from concentrate at least once a day were at 47 percent lower risk of wheezing than children who drank apple juice less than once a month. "That's a bit of a puzzle," Shaheen said, adding that it is possible that juice might have a higher antioxidant concentration than fruit.
Shaheen urges caution in interpreting the study results. "It would be wrong to say that our data suggest that drinking apple juice reduces the risk of asthma," the researcher said in an interview. "We've only shown an association, and we've yet to provide definitive evidence that the link is causal."
The study also found that children who ate bananas at least once daily, compared to those who ate them less than once a month, were also at significantly lower risk of wheezing. But given that the fruit have never been associated with asthma symptoms previously, Shaheen said, this finding is "less convincing."
The investigators followed up with the same group of children a year later and are currently analyzing the results. If the association persists, Shaheen said, the next step would be to conduct a clinical trial of the effect of apple juice consumption on asthma symptoms.
Salt lamps in a childs bedroom always has been know to help with asthma.
To buy yours now go to
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -
Drinking apple juice from concentrate daily may help ward off asthma symptoms in children, a study from the UK hints.
In a previous study, Dr. Seif O. Shaheen of the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London and colleagues found that eating apples seemed to protect adults from developing asthma symptoms. A number of other studies have linked higher fruit consumption to better lung function.
It's possible that the antioxidants contained in fruit counteract harmful oxidative stress due to pollution and ease inflammation, thus reducing asthma symptoms, Shaheen explained. And the antioxidant content of apples is particularly high, the researcher added.
Shaheen's team analyzed fruit intake and asthma symptoms in 2,640 children aged 5 to 10 years.
While there was no association between asthma symptoms and apples, children who drank apple juice from concentrate at least once a day were at 47 percent lower risk of wheezing than children who drank apple juice less than once a month. "That's a bit of a puzzle," Shaheen said, adding that it is possible that juice might have a higher antioxidant concentration than fruit.
Shaheen urges caution in interpreting the study results. "It would be wrong to say that our data suggest that drinking apple juice reduces the risk of asthma," the researcher said in an interview. "We've only shown an association, and we've yet to provide definitive evidence that the link is causal."
The study also found that children who ate bananas at least once daily, compared to those who ate them less than once a month, were also at significantly lower risk of wheezing. But given that the fruit have never been associated with asthma symptoms previously, Shaheen said, this finding is "less convincing."
The investigators followed up with the same group of children a year later and are currently analyzing the results. If the association persists, Shaheen said, the next step would be to conduct a clinical trial of the effect of apple juice consumption on asthma symptoms.
Salt lamps in a childs bedroom always has been know to help with asthma.
To buy yours now go to
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