Having "twitchy airways" is propbly the best way to describe asthma. What this means is that your bronchial airways will contract and you will experience tightness in your chest and a shortness of breath, which will make you cough and wheeze.
For 90% of younger peoples asthma is thought to be set off by allergies of some kind or another. By younger people, I mean any body under 40. These allergies can be animal fluff, pollen, dust mites, any kind of mould, city pollution or bad air that can be found in stuffy rooms or such.
In general, people over 40 who have asthma, it is more then likely caused by diseases, like Emphysema, for instance.
If you have asthma the first thing that you have to do is see your doctor.
After your diagnoses the doctor will give a some form of medication to help you and really the rest is commonsense. Once you know what triggers your asthma; avoid it as much as possible.
• Some people who have asthma find the open fireplaces and wood smoke will bring on an attach by aggravating your breathing. If you can avoid such places or at the very least try and make sure that the room is ventilated.
• Smoking is really fast becoming a very unsociable habit, but it does still goes on. Stay well away from people who smoke and areas where smoking happens. It is not good for anybodies health particular asthmas suffers and children who are very open to health problems.
• Always wear a scarf across your mouth in cold weather because cold air is one of the worst triggers for asthma. Wearing the scarf will ensure that the air that your breath in is warm.
• People who have asthma are told (like everybody else) to lay off the salt because there appears to be a deified link between how much salt you take and asthma. But what is food without salt? If you must take, salt then at least use salt that is not “common salt”. Use Himalayan salt that is pure and straight out of the primeval sea.
• Try and stay out of the kitchen when there are strong smelling foods being cooked, also avoid the kitchen if frying is being done, as this can also bring on asthma.
• If you are have acid reflux after eating, then it is best not to eat too late at night. Using two pillows and taking an antacid before going to bed may help you sleep better.
• Cars,nowadays, are nearly always fitted with air conditioning. This is not really a good thing for asthma suffers. The reason is that the system will draw in air from the outside which, if you are in town traffic, will be full of pollen and fuel fumes; just the sort of environment that you do not want.
• It is a well know fact that many food additives have a big impact on your asthma, practically if you are a child. There are so many of these additives it is impossible to list them all here. Metabisulphite is the main culprit. Always check the food labels before buying and try and stay with the purest foods you can.
• As an asthma sufferer it is best to avoid the use of aspirin as a painkiller because asthma makes people very sensitive to the pill. The use of aspirin by people with asthma has been known to bring death on more then one occasion.
Make sure that you use your inhaler correctly. Learn the specific technique to using an inhaler by somebody who knows what he or she is about. Many people find great relief from asthma by using a Himalayan Salt Pipe on a daily basis. The Himalayan salt is pure and natural.
Asthma is not a life sentence; learn all you can about how to managed it and you can live a normal productive life like everybody else.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
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