Friday, July 27, 2007

Not Salt but money management!

When chatting to a friend last month they happened to mention that they really could do with getting a better handle on their finances. I knew I had just the perfect solution... You see I had already been given two great reports which help control WAYWARD FINANCES. Anyway... I heard back from them yesterday and they are doing really well. They tell me the reports have been a godsend helping them REGAIN CONTROL of their finances. So this made me think whether You could benefit too? We have all had times when finances run away with us - I know I sure have in the past. Anyway, that is why I thought making these 2 reports available for you at no cost might be helpful... However, there is a small catch (isn't there always) These reports are only available for the next week - As you know, this is not my normal area of expertise, and I don't want to get too sidetracked. So, after 7 days the reports will be taken off the internet to use server space for normal business. -------------------SO WHAT DO YOU GET? ------------------- These financially savvy reports contain:11 successful characteristics of a family budget that you will want to make sure your budget has * 5 step-by-step actions to take on your way from financial mess to pillar of (wealthy) success. * 13 common expenses that you may forget to add to your budget if you're not careful.* 6 categories to separate your payment information into (to make sure there aren't any unexpected bills that could bust your budget)* How to handle your paycheck strategically to make sure your bills get paid. Hint: This trick is so good; you won't notice how responsible you are being.* Why it's important to splurge every once in a while. * What does fiscal awareness mean? And why is it the first technique you should start applying. * The 17 rules to family budgeting. Print these out and post them on your refrigerator. * 10 important processes creating a budget must provide for. * 11 secrets to budgeting found deep within the world wide web. * 14 secret weapons for stopping the reach to your purse or wallet. Tried and tested, these are guaranteed to cut down your spending. * 11 steps to changing your attitude towards money and turning yourself into a saver instead of a spender (with some fun exceptions). * The secret to overcoming unforeseen obstacles. * 10 reasons to stop spending now. (Or else it might be too late.) * Why you must confront your debt now - and how to do it painlessly.* 12 steps for curbing your debt.* 11 dynamite ways to have fun with little to no money. You may have forgotten about these.* 25 final thoughts of wisdom on family budgeting to keep you moving forward in a positive future.* What to do if your expenses total more than your incomings.* And there's MUCH more!These reports can mean you can get more done and spend less m0ney. Get the reports here. The reports are called "Self Improvement Through Better Money Management" and "Money 4 Life" - And I know you will enjoy them and the financial benefits they can bring.