Ionic imbalances are best solved by Solay natural salt crystal lamps and saunas. Negative Ions, Salt lamps, Saunas and your Wellbeing
Salt lamps, Saunas, negative ions...Positive Effects of Negative Ions
Have you ever felt tired and uncomfortable inside a big office building? Or else, perhaps you remember feeling relaxed and energized standing near the ocean or by a waterfall. There’s a scientific reason for how you felt those days and it has nothing to do with work waiting to be done or the promise of a nice vacation.
The air all around you is made up of molecules, all of which have an electrical charge on them. Depending on how many electrons circle a molecule, everything in this world has either a positive charge or a negative charge. Inside buildings or inside closed vehicles, the molecules often have a positive charge. And unfortunately, most air-borne allergens and pollutants also have a positive charge. Out in nature, especially by water, the air molecules have a negative charge, which makes them nice to breathe and to be around.
Negative ions are good for you! They bring oxygen to your brain, boost your immune system, and lift your mood. Studies show they even help lessen depression and cure Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). For your indoor air environment, you can get negative ions by buying a natural air ionizer, not a man made machine—a less expensive and very beautiful alternative, a Solay salt lamp.
Tested and researched to produce negative ions, salt lamps are well known in Europe, are being used in hospitals and centers, and most people will feel the difference in the air quality right away.
The discovery of negative ions in certain types of saunas a few years ago became headline news in Finland. Until then, the healing power of the sauna was attributed to relaxation and increased circulation. Now, negative ions add startling new possibilities.
Since the early 1950s scientists have suspected that ions play an important role in how the body functions and, consequently, in how we feel. Research has shown that an abundance of negative ions in the air we breathe is highly beneficial, while a lack of ions or a higher ratio of positive to negative can cause physical harm. The role played by ions in everyday life has become intensely topical among researchers in the medical profession. (Read The Ion Effect by Fred Soyka for an excellent discussion on the use of negative ions in medicine.)
An ion is simply a molecule with an electric charge, either positive or negative. Ionization, or ion formation, occurs when enough energy acts on a molecule to cause it to discharge an electron. Because electrons carry a negative charge, the molecule stripped of an electron has a greater positive charge and becomes a positive ion. The lost electron scoots around loose until it attaches itself to another molecule which causes the new molecule to become negatively charged--a negative ion.
Radioactive substances in the earth's crust and cosmic rays cause most ionization. But fire, crashing water (like water falls and surf), and plants during photosynthesis can produce negative ions as well. Europeans take ion depletions seriously and simple negative ion generators have been installed in many businesses, banks, hospitals, and passenger cars and even airliner cockpits. Furthermore, in this country, Europe and the Soviet Union, negative ion therapy has been used in treatments to help burn victims heal faster, to cure respiratory diseases, to rid the body of general infections, and even to check the spread of some cancers.
Conversely, scientists have found that if the air is charged with too few negative ions and too many positives, we become anxious, fatigued and tense. This condition is known as "pos-ion poisoning," and often occurs as the result of weather disturbances, central air conditioning, smog, and driving too long within the confines of an automobile. Pos-ion poisoning has, in fact, been linked to heart attacks, aggravated asthma, migraine headaches, insomnia, rheumatism, arthritis, hay fever, and most allergies.
The effect of negative ions on sweat bathing was discovered when researchers were trying to account for the tremendous popularity of sauna wood burning stoves over electric stoves. Subjective reasons, such as the fragrance of burned wood, did not fully explain why Finns felt so refreshed after time in a wood heated sauna and quite dulled, from certain electrically heated saunas. Tests showed that the practice of splashing water on super-heated rocks produced an abundance of negative ions. Many electric stoves, it turned out, were not getting the rocks hot enough and the glowing metal heating coils were spurting more positive ions in the air. Researchers learned that if the rocks were properly heated in electric stoves, the positive ions, being larger and less mobile, would ground out on the hot stones.
The buying habits of the Finns, perhaps the most sophisticated of sweat bathers, has forced many Finnish electric stove companies to pay particular attention to their sauna stove design. Researchers also cited poor ventilation in modern saunas as a cause of positive ion buildup; but, for a discussion of the proper climatic conditions for a sauna please refer to the appendix material on construction and use.
We are selling two of these for $69.99 have a look here: too your door with free shipping in five days

Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Double salt lamp offer
look at this lamp
We are selling two of these for $69.99 have a look here: too your door with free shipping in five days
We are selling two of these for $69.99 have a look here: too your door with free shipping in five days
Monday, November 10, 2008
How to reduce high blood pressure
How to reduce high blood pressure and restore healthy cholesterol levels with natural health---by Mike Adams
A reader asks,” What are the proven natural products that reduce high blood pressure and restore healthy cholesterol levels? I am taking steps on the nutritional side of things such as avoiding meat and dairy products while eating a lot of fruits."
First of all, congratulations to you for taking some steps on the nutritional side. The fact that you are now avoiding meat and dairy products is excellent progress in reducing your high blood pressure and restoring healthy cholesterol levels. The fact that you are also consuming a lot of fruits is outstanding. Be sure to get plenty of berries in your diet at the same time.
Let's talk about high blood pressure first and what a person can do to reduce high blood pressure naturally without relying on prescription drugs or surgical procedures. As always, I'd like to urge you to work with a naturopathic physician anytime you read these articles and want to make changes in your own life. None of the information here should be construed as direct medical advice. You should always work with a qualified health professional, especially when dealing with potentially dangerous issues like high blood pressure.
Getting to those things that really work, you might be surprised to find that one of them is simply water. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is often caused by chronic dehydration. In fact, in one of the interviews I conducted with Dr. Batmanghelidj, he explains the mechanism by which this takes place. Essentially when the body is lacking water, it attempts to hold on to the available water supplies by resorting to vascular constriction throughout the body. This helps reduce the loss of water through the skin and through respiration. And by doing so, it helps conserve the remaining water in the body.
So if you want to avoid this response to dehydration, just drink a lot of water. This will hydrate your body and lower blood pressure without any negative side effects. Be careful to avoid hydrating yourself with other drinks that are actually dehydrating in nature. Those would include soft drinks, coffee, sports drinks, and basically any drink containing sugar, such as processed orange drinks.
That's one of the main things you can do. Another thing you can do, and this is generally better known, is to avoid intake of salt or sodium. Obviously high sodium intake causes high blood pressure. That's not even disputed by the American Heart Association, which seems to remain 10 or 20 years behind the cutting edge when it comes to heart health and science. My advice goes much further than that though, and that is: never eat foods containing simple sodium or sodium chloride (processed salt). Sodium chloride is not real salt.
If you're going to use salt at the dinner table or in cooking, go out and get yourself some ocean salt, or what is sometimes called "Celtic salt" or "Sea salt." That is, you want actual salt from the ocean, which is quite complex in its molecular structure. It has a great number of elements -- far more than just sodium and chloride -- and has a far different effect on your body than sodium chloride. In fact, sodium chloride could quite accurately be called a poison in sufficient doses. Each separate element is quite clearly a poison: sodium and chloride. But when combined, they create table salt that many in the nutritional wellness community also consider to be a toxin to the body.
So, avoiding salt is critical. And by the way, one of the most important strategies for doing that is to avoid eating at restaurants. Virtually every restaurant in America over-salts their foods in order to appease the wildly distorted tastes of American consumers. Americans are dosed up on so much salt and sugar that they can hardly taste it anymore. And when they go to restaurants, they demand such high levels of sodium in their food that a normal, healthy person trying to eat those foods is completely grossed out. I can attest to that from personal experience. I can hardly eat a bowl of soup from any restaurant in the country because they are all just loaded up with salt.
Lowering high cholesterol
Next, let's move on to healthy cholesterol levels. One of the best things you can do to avoid unhealthy cholesterol levels is to avoid consuming hydrogenated oils. These are artificial oils that have been processed in a laboratory for the convenience of food manufacturers and food marketing companies. They have no business whatsoever in the human body, and yet virtually every snack product in the grocery store is made with hydrogenated oils.
Margarines are made with hydrogenated oils as well. Unless they say, "no hydrogenated oils" right on the label, they contain it. Vegetable shortening, by the way, is pure hydrogenated oil. It is probably one of the single most toxic grocery products you can put in your body. And yet people are out there buying vegetable shortening by the bucket loads and baking cookies with it -- something I find absolutely appalling.
By far, the most powerful thing you can do to restore healthy cholesterol levels is to stop eating hydrogenated oils. The next thing that you can do is stop eating trans fat (trans fatty acids) -- that means avoid all fried foods. Fried foods just do not belong in the human diet. And if you're already avoiding red meat and dairy products, then avoiding fried foods is probably a fairly easy step for you. Fried foods are incompatible with health, and if you choose to eat fried foods at any time in your life, even just one meal a week, you're going to have unhealthy cholesterol levels as a result.
Aged garlic supplements for cholesterol
On the supplements side, there are a lot of things you can do. You can take garlic supplements, or just eat a lot of whole garlic. One of the things I like to do is take garlic cloves and just bake them. You can eat them baked, put them in pastas or put them on a healthy pizza made with soy cheese and organic crust. Baked garlic cloves are delicious and they're outstanding for your health. They don’t have the bite of raw garlic cloves.
Garlic supplements are also good, and the best company out there is Kyolic. Buy their aged garlic supplements. I do, and I recommend them to my family and friends. In fact, garlic has many other health benefits beyond cholesterol: the herb also fights cancer and greatly enhances immune system function.
Medicine from nature: blueberries
One of my favorite solutions for fighting cholesterol levels is eating lots of blueberries. Blueberries have now been proven to be more effective than statin drugs in reducing cholesterol levels, and yet they have absolutely no negative side effects whatsoever. You can get blueberries throughout the year if you go to the right stores.
If you can't find them at a grocery store, check out my book called "Secret Sources," which gives you the location of an online retailer where you can purchase freeze-dried blueberries, and you can store them all year long and use them any time you want. That's a very convenient way to take blueberries. It's a little on the pricey side, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than statin drugs! And of course, it's a fraction of the cost of actually ending up in the hospital with out-of-control cholesterol levels.
Also, all on the nutrition side, as you have already guessed, it is very important to avoid saturated animal fats. You don't want to be eating any hamburger or red meat at all. In short, if you avoid red meat you will also be doing yourself a huge favor in terms of avoiding environmental toxins. Red meat consumption also promotes colon cancer.
I recall a recent study that showed fire retardant chemicals in massive quantities are now being found in the animal fats in red meat. That's because these fire retardant chemicals tend to collect in the fat tissues. These chemicals are found throughout our environment now. Cows are essentially accumulators and concentrators of environmental toxins. They eat tons of grass, literally, throughout their lives. And, they tend to concentrate any toxic chemicals spread on the grass through pesticides or contaminated well water.
So, when you eat a piece of beef, you are eating, quite literally, a highly concentrated form of saturated animal fat containing environmental toxins that would never be present in those quantities in the natural environment. Thus, in addition to supporting healthy cholesterol, avoiding red meat will also save you from all of the terrible negative side effects of environmental toxins.
Avoid dairy products
Avoiding dairy products is also important for cardiovascular health. Hydrogenated cows' milk is something that absolutely does not belong in the human body. It is an artificially processed food. It doesn’t have any justifiable purpose for human nutrition. Hydrogenated milk would probably kill baby cows just due to the negative effects of eating homogenized fat molecules. Now, if you feel that you have to drink cows' milk, if you're addicted to this substance for some reason -- maybe in your past life, you were a baby cow -- then what you can do is go out and buy raw, unprocessed cow’s milk from a local farmer.
You have to live near a farm or have some connections in order to get that product. It will taste very different from processed cows' milk and it will be a lot healthier for you. You will also find that the fat in the milk will separate. That's the way it's supposed to work in the real world... not in the make-believe world of the grocery store where milk has been homogenized and processed to make it look fresh even though it may be quite old.
Cardiovascular exercise
And lastly, I have to mention the importance of cardiovascular exercise and physical fitness. Your level of physical activity has a strong influence on your cholesterol levels. In a simple sense, you could say that cardiovascular exercise converts LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) into HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol. I know that's a simplification, but the point is still valid. When you exercise on a regular basis, you will lower your LDL levels and raise your HDL levels. And remember, it's the ratio of these two that is the predictor of cardiovascular disease.
It is essential to get on a regular cardiovascular exercise program. Remember, it doesn’t have to be outrageously strenuous in order to be effective. All it has to do is get your heart rate up. You might be a person who is overweight and you have a hard time walking up the stairs. Well, that's fine. Walking up a flight of stairs is good exercise for you if it gets your heart rate up.
If walking 400 yards, just down the street and back, gets your respiration up and your heart beating, it is good for you. That's good cardiovascular exercise. Ideally, you want to engage in exercise that lasts about 45 minutes a day. However, if you can only do 30 minutes a day, then do 30. If you can do an hour a day, then go for an hour. But aim for 45 minutes a day of cardiovascular exercise -- and make it medium in level of effort. Of course, always be sure to check with a health professional before engaging in an exercise program just to make sure there is not some other health reason why it would be dangerous for you to do so.
With all of that in place: getting lots of water into your diet, avoiding processed salt (sodium chloride), consuming garlic and blueberries and other natural substances such as red yeast rice and combining it with moderate levels of cardiovascular exercise, you will quite readily and noticeably reduce your LDL cholesterol levels, bringing them back into a healthy balance.
It's really not difficult. This isn't rocket science at all. There are no prescription drugs needed whatsoever. All that you need to do is make lifestyle changes that are proven to enhance your cholesterol health. And once again, I speak from experience on this. My ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol is almost 1:1. That's a ratio that's almost unheard of by most doctors and health practitioners. I have an LDL cholesterol level of 67.
I did that through nutrition, physical exercise and nutritional supplements. I don't take any prescription drugs whatsoever. And, hey, I'm middle-aged as well. I'm 35 years old. So this isn’t something that only works for people who are 20. You can do this at any age, even if you're 75. It all comes down to your dietary choices, nutritional supplementation, and your level of physical exercise. printable article
Originally published May 28 2005
A reader asks,” What are the proven natural products that reduce high blood pressure and restore healthy cholesterol levels? I am taking steps on the nutritional side of things such as avoiding meat and dairy products while eating a lot of fruits."
First of all, congratulations to you for taking some steps on the nutritional side. The fact that you are now avoiding meat and dairy products is excellent progress in reducing your high blood pressure and restoring healthy cholesterol levels. The fact that you are also consuming a lot of fruits is outstanding. Be sure to get plenty of berries in your diet at the same time.
Let's talk about high blood pressure first and what a person can do to reduce high blood pressure naturally without relying on prescription drugs or surgical procedures. As always, I'd like to urge you to work with a naturopathic physician anytime you read these articles and want to make changes in your own life. None of the information here should be construed as direct medical advice. You should always work with a qualified health professional, especially when dealing with potentially dangerous issues like high blood pressure.
Getting to those things that really work, you might be surprised to find that one of them is simply water. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is often caused by chronic dehydration. In fact, in one of the interviews I conducted with Dr. Batmanghelidj, he explains the mechanism by which this takes place. Essentially when the body is lacking water, it attempts to hold on to the available water supplies by resorting to vascular constriction throughout the body. This helps reduce the loss of water through the skin and through respiration. And by doing so, it helps conserve the remaining water in the body.
So if you want to avoid this response to dehydration, just drink a lot of water. This will hydrate your body and lower blood pressure without any negative side effects. Be careful to avoid hydrating yourself with other drinks that are actually dehydrating in nature. Those would include soft drinks, coffee, sports drinks, and basically any drink containing sugar, such as processed orange drinks.
That's one of the main things you can do. Another thing you can do, and this is generally better known, is to avoid intake of salt or sodium. Obviously high sodium intake causes high blood pressure. That's not even disputed by the American Heart Association, which seems to remain 10 or 20 years behind the cutting edge when it comes to heart health and science. My advice goes much further than that though, and that is: never eat foods containing simple sodium or sodium chloride (processed salt). Sodium chloride is not real salt.
If you're going to use salt at the dinner table or in cooking, go out and get yourself some ocean salt, or what is sometimes called "Celtic salt" or "Sea salt." That is, you want actual salt from the ocean, which is quite complex in its molecular structure. It has a great number of elements -- far more than just sodium and chloride -- and has a far different effect on your body than sodium chloride. In fact, sodium chloride could quite accurately be called a poison in sufficient doses. Each separate element is quite clearly a poison: sodium and chloride. But when combined, they create table salt that many in the nutritional wellness community also consider to be a toxin to the body.
So, avoiding salt is critical. And by the way, one of the most important strategies for doing that is to avoid eating at restaurants. Virtually every restaurant in America over-salts their foods in order to appease the wildly distorted tastes of American consumers. Americans are dosed up on so much salt and sugar that they can hardly taste it anymore. And when they go to restaurants, they demand such high levels of sodium in their food that a normal, healthy person trying to eat those foods is completely grossed out. I can attest to that from personal experience. I can hardly eat a bowl of soup from any restaurant in the country because they are all just loaded up with salt.
Lowering high cholesterol
Next, let's move on to healthy cholesterol levels. One of the best things you can do to avoid unhealthy cholesterol levels is to avoid consuming hydrogenated oils. These are artificial oils that have been processed in a laboratory for the convenience of food manufacturers and food marketing companies. They have no business whatsoever in the human body, and yet virtually every snack product in the grocery store is made with hydrogenated oils.
Margarines are made with hydrogenated oils as well. Unless they say, "no hydrogenated oils" right on the label, they contain it. Vegetable shortening, by the way, is pure hydrogenated oil. It is probably one of the single most toxic grocery products you can put in your body. And yet people are out there buying vegetable shortening by the bucket loads and baking cookies with it -- something I find absolutely appalling.
By far, the most powerful thing you can do to restore healthy cholesterol levels is to stop eating hydrogenated oils. The next thing that you can do is stop eating trans fat (trans fatty acids) -- that means avoid all fried foods. Fried foods just do not belong in the human diet. And if you're already avoiding red meat and dairy products, then avoiding fried foods is probably a fairly easy step for you. Fried foods are incompatible with health, and if you choose to eat fried foods at any time in your life, even just one meal a week, you're going to have unhealthy cholesterol levels as a result.
Aged garlic supplements for cholesterol
On the supplements side, there are a lot of things you can do. You can take garlic supplements, or just eat a lot of whole garlic. One of the things I like to do is take garlic cloves and just bake them. You can eat them baked, put them in pastas or put them on a healthy pizza made with soy cheese and organic crust. Baked garlic cloves are delicious and they're outstanding for your health. They don’t have the bite of raw garlic cloves.
Garlic supplements are also good, and the best company out there is Kyolic. Buy their aged garlic supplements. I do, and I recommend them to my family and friends. In fact, garlic has many other health benefits beyond cholesterol: the herb also fights cancer and greatly enhances immune system function.
Medicine from nature: blueberries
One of my favorite solutions for fighting cholesterol levels is eating lots of blueberries. Blueberries have now been proven to be more effective than statin drugs in reducing cholesterol levels, and yet they have absolutely no negative side effects whatsoever. You can get blueberries throughout the year if you go to the right stores.
If you can't find them at a grocery store, check out my book called "Secret Sources," which gives you the location of an online retailer where you can purchase freeze-dried blueberries, and you can store them all year long and use them any time you want. That's a very convenient way to take blueberries. It's a little on the pricey side, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than statin drugs! And of course, it's a fraction of the cost of actually ending up in the hospital with out-of-control cholesterol levels.
Also, all on the nutrition side, as you have already guessed, it is very important to avoid saturated animal fats. You don't want to be eating any hamburger or red meat at all. In short, if you avoid red meat you will also be doing yourself a huge favor in terms of avoiding environmental toxins. Red meat consumption also promotes colon cancer.
I recall a recent study that showed fire retardant chemicals in massive quantities are now being found in the animal fats in red meat. That's because these fire retardant chemicals tend to collect in the fat tissues. These chemicals are found throughout our environment now. Cows are essentially accumulators and concentrators of environmental toxins. They eat tons of grass, literally, throughout their lives. And, they tend to concentrate any toxic chemicals spread on the grass through pesticides or contaminated well water.
So, when you eat a piece of beef, you are eating, quite literally, a highly concentrated form of saturated animal fat containing environmental toxins that would never be present in those quantities in the natural environment. Thus, in addition to supporting healthy cholesterol, avoiding red meat will also save you from all of the terrible negative side effects of environmental toxins.
Avoid dairy products
Avoiding dairy products is also important for cardiovascular health. Hydrogenated cows' milk is something that absolutely does not belong in the human body. It is an artificially processed food. It doesn’t have any justifiable purpose for human nutrition. Hydrogenated milk would probably kill baby cows just due to the negative effects of eating homogenized fat molecules. Now, if you feel that you have to drink cows' milk, if you're addicted to this substance for some reason -- maybe in your past life, you were a baby cow -- then what you can do is go out and buy raw, unprocessed cow’s milk from a local farmer.
You have to live near a farm or have some connections in order to get that product. It will taste very different from processed cows' milk and it will be a lot healthier for you. You will also find that the fat in the milk will separate. That's the way it's supposed to work in the real world... not in the make-believe world of the grocery store where milk has been homogenized and processed to make it look fresh even though it may be quite old.
Cardiovascular exercise
And lastly, I have to mention the importance of cardiovascular exercise and physical fitness. Your level of physical activity has a strong influence on your cholesterol levels. In a simple sense, you could say that cardiovascular exercise converts LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) into HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol. I know that's a simplification, but the point is still valid. When you exercise on a regular basis, you will lower your LDL levels and raise your HDL levels. And remember, it's the ratio of these two that is the predictor of cardiovascular disease.
It is essential to get on a regular cardiovascular exercise program. Remember, it doesn’t have to be outrageously strenuous in order to be effective. All it has to do is get your heart rate up. You might be a person who is overweight and you have a hard time walking up the stairs. Well, that's fine. Walking up a flight of stairs is good exercise for you if it gets your heart rate up.
If walking 400 yards, just down the street and back, gets your respiration up and your heart beating, it is good for you. That's good cardiovascular exercise. Ideally, you want to engage in exercise that lasts about 45 minutes a day. However, if you can only do 30 minutes a day, then do 30. If you can do an hour a day, then go for an hour. But aim for 45 minutes a day of cardiovascular exercise -- and make it medium in level of effort. Of course, always be sure to check with a health professional before engaging in an exercise program just to make sure there is not some other health reason why it would be dangerous for you to do so.
With all of that in place: getting lots of water into your diet, avoiding processed salt (sodium chloride), consuming garlic and blueberries and other natural substances such as red yeast rice and combining it with moderate levels of cardiovascular exercise, you will quite readily and noticeably reduce your LDL cholesterol levels, bringing them back into a healthy balance.
It's really not difficult. This isn't rocket science at all. There are no prescription drugs needed whatsoever. All that you need to do is make lifestyle changes that are proven to enhance your cholesterol health. And once again, I speak from experience on this. My ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol is almost 1:1. That's a ratio that's almost unheard of by most doctors and health practitioners. I have an LDL cholesterol level of 67.
I did that through nutrition, physical exercise and nutritional supplements. I don't take any prescription drugs whatsoever. And, hey, I'm middle-aged as well. I'm 35 years old. So this isn’t something that only works for people who are 20. You can do this at any age, even if you're 75. It all comes down to your dietary choices, nutritional supplementation, and your level of physical exercise. printable article
Originally published May 28 2005
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Himalayan Salt and protection.

With Halloween just passed, I thought I would write an article about using
salt for protection. Practitioners of all faiths have used salt to
cleanse and prepare a space. If you have a spiritual practice, you can
use salt to strengthen it.
Salt crystals act like any kind of crystal. They hold intention, and
broadcast their programming continuously. Salt correlates with the
element of earth, which makes it good for anything involving grounding
and neutralizing negativity. Salt has a neutral vibration, and good salt
- such as Himalayan salt - has a very heart-based vibration as well.
Salt embodies all these concepts: earth, neutrality, and protection.
On a personal level, you can ingest salt, or use it for bathing. Both
ways incorporate salt into your system. Ingesting the salt in your food
keeps the levels constant. Using solay introduces a concentrated burst
of light. Bathing with salt has a very purifying effect both physically
and metaphysically. On a physical level, it helps the body detoxify. On
a metaphysical level, it helps get rid of negative energy. Before you
can cleanse your outer space, you must cleanse your inner space, and
salt lets you do both very easily.
When salt and water combine they form a new essence, as with bathing or
making solay. You can use this to bless water as well. Simply sprinkle a
little salt or a few solay drops into some purified water. Do this with
intent, using any magical items you have to aide you. Intention rules.
You can use this blessed water to sprinkle around a space, to purify
yourself, or in any other creative way where you would use blessed
To purify a space, you can use salt to make a salt circle. Stand facing
east, and cast it in the four directions going clockwise. You can also
sprinkle around some blessed water, as detailed above. This makes a very
potent way to protect a space, and to dedicate it for meditation and
energy work. Solay rocks can work well to help anchor energy as well,
for example by placing a rock in each of the four corners of a room.
Salt lamps generate negative ions, which have positive results. They
make wonderful additions to a space to generate healthy energy, and to
keep negative forces away. Many people describe them as looking magical
for a reason.
I hope you found some useful information in this article. Remember that
we now reside in the darkest time of the year, between Halloween and
Christmas. Take care, keep on guard, and always keep some salt handy!
Stay strong through this time. Good always prevails.
Have a look at our Himalayan Salt Here
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Polish,Himalayan Salt Lamps
What is the difference between Persian salt, Polish salt and Himalayan salt crystal lamps? offers beautiful, fair trade lamps from 3 different countries. Besides aesthetic differences in color and the crystals texture, salt lamps work in the same way, all producing healthy negative ions that have helped thousands of customers sleep better, breathe better and feel better at home or the office. But the energies each lamp gives off is different. Just like any crystal found naturally in nature, they all have their own properties and healing abilities.
Persian Salt
This salt has a very tranquil, calm, and loving energy. It encourages relaxation and being present in the moment, allowing fears and worries to recede. It encourages acceptance, forgiveness, and love, so one’s heart and mind can be at rest. This allows for deep, peaceful and restorative sleep. This lamp is perfect for the bedroom or any place tranquility is welcomed.
The purple/violet lamp emphasizes serenity. The white lamp has an added dimension of spirituality, while the rose quartz lamp has the elements of fondness and trust.
Polish Salt
This salt crystal has a strong connection to divinity. Its energy is focused and very pure. It can help provide clarity when making difficult decisions. It encourages reflection, concentration, and confidence in one’s intuition. This lamp is at home in a sunroom, meditation or prayer room, or any quiet corner.
Himalayan Salt
This salt’s energy is joyful and revitalizing, and helps bring balance. It can encourage energy flow when one is feeling low, and reduce agitation when one is over-stimulated. It encourages play, creativity, and self-expression. This lamp works well in any room, especially in an office, playroom, or den.
For more information. read about these wonderful lamps here
Persian Salt
This salt has a very tranquil, calm, and loving energy. It encourages relaxation and being present in the moment, allowing fears and worries to recede. It encourages acceptance, forgiveness, and love, so one’s heart and mind can be at rest. This allows for deep, peaceful and restorative sleep. This lamp is perfect for the bedroom or any place tranquility is welcomed.
The purple/violet lamp emphasizes serenity. The white lamp has an added dimension of spirituality, while the rose quartz lamp has the elements of fondness and trust.
Polish Salt
This salt crystal has a strong connection to divinity. Its energy is focused and very pure. It can help provide clarity when making difficult decisions. It encourages reflection, concentration, and confidence in one’s intuition. This lamp is at home in a sunroom, meditation or prayer room, or any quiet corner.
Himalayan Salt
This salt’s energy is joyful and revitalizing, and helps bring balance. It can encourage energy flow when one is feeling low, and reduce agitation when one is over-stimulated. It encourages play, creativity, and self-expression. This lamp works well in any room, especially in an office, playroom, or den.
For more information. read about these wonderful lamps here
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Salt lamps : waht are they
This note is from ASK
A salt lamp is simply a chunk of mined salt that has been hollowed out to allow room for a lightbulb or tiny candle. The light glows through the medium of the salt crystal, which can range in color from a dark salmon pink to a pale orange. Salt crystals for salt lamps are mined in Russia and central Europe as well as in the Himalayas. Salt lamps make attractive accent lights. Their main attraction, however, is that the heating of the salt causes the crystal to release negative ions (often called simply 'ions').
Negative ions have long been considered healthy; the sea air, mountain air and the air around swiftly running water is high in negative ions. Indoor air, recirculated air, and air around electronic equipment is very low in negative ions. Many office workers who suffer health complaints around fluorescent lighting and computer monitors report considerably less fatigue and headaches if the concentration of negative ions in the air is increased. Why negative ions may be beneficial is only partially understood.
It has been shown that negative ions in the air bind with airborne pollutants, making them heavier so that they fall to the ground, and therefore are unavailable to be inhaled. Many modern air purifiers - the so-called 'ionic air cleaners' - use this technique to provide cleaner indoor air for allergy sufferers. Some studies seem to indicate that an increase in negative ions in the air increases bloodflow to the brain, which would have the effect of improved concentration. The salt lamp is an attractive alternative to the utilitarian look of an air purifier.
The amount of negative ions a salt lamp can release depends on its size and how warm the candle or lightbulb can make it. The larger the crystal, obviously, the more expensive the lamp, but the larger area it can provide with negative ions. Salt lamps that produce 'night-light' amounts of light can provide ions to an area equal to the average office cubicle.
buy yours here. buy your salt lamp here
A salt lamp is simply a chunk of mined salt that has been hollowed out to allow room for a lightbulb or tiny candle. The light glows through the medium of the salt crystal, which can range in color from a dark salmon pink to a pale orange. Salt crystals for salt lamps are mined in Russia and central Europe as well as in the Himalayas. Salt lamps make attractive accent lights. Their main attraction, however, is that the heating of the salt causes the crystal to release negative ions (often called simply 'ions').
Negative ions have long been considered healthy; the sea air, mountain air and the air around swiftly running water is high in negative ions. Indoor air, recirculated air, and air around electronic equipment is very low in negative ions. Many office workers who suffer health complaints around fluorescent lighting and computer monitors report considerably less fatigue and headaches if the concentration of negative ions in the air is increased. Why negative ions may be beneficial is only partially understood.
It has been shown that negative ions in the air bind with airborne pollutants, making them heavier so that they fall to the ground, and therefore are unavailable to be inhaled. Many modern air purifiers - the so-called 'ionic air cleaners' - use this technique to provide cleaner indoor air for allergy sufferers. Some studies seem to indicate that an increase in negative ions in the air increases bloodflow to the brain, which would have the effect of improved concentration. The salt lamp is an attractive alternative to the utilitarian look of an air purifier.
The amount of negative ions a salt lamp can release depends on its size and how warm the candle or lightbulb can make it. The larger the crystal, obviously, the more expensive the lamp, but the larger area it can provide with negative ions. Salt lamps that produce 'night-light' amounts of light can provide ions to an area equal to the average office cubicle.
buy yours here. buy your salt lamp here
Monday, June 9, 2008
Salt pipe to get rid of your Asthma
Imagine if one miraculous natural remedy could...
Massively reduce your Asthma Attacks...
Kill the onset of Allergies...
Allay your symptoms of Hay Fever...
Forever prevent onslaughts of Bronchitis...
Make your Chronic Cough a thing of the past...
...and GUARANTEE you a blissful Snore-free sleep EVERY NIGHT for the rest of your life.
Well all of this is now possible - thanks to one amazing discovery in the depths of an abandoned 2nd century mine yes the Salt pipe
For more information. read about these wonderful pipes here
Massively reduce your Asthma Attacks...
Kill the onset of Allergies...
Allay your symptoms of Hay Fever...
Forever prevent onslaughts of Bronchitis...
Make your Chronic Cough a thing of the past...
...and GUARANTEE you a blissful Snore-free sleep EVERY NIGHT for the rest of your life.
Well all of this is now possible - thanks to one amazing discovery in the depths of an abandoned 2nd century mine yes the Salt pipe
For more information. read about these wonderful pipes here
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Salt pipes and your asthma
A great innovation for obtaining salt mine therapy at home
Clinical trials have proven it works very well for those suffering from asthma, allergies, hay fever, sinus problems, bronchitis, coughs, snoring and other respiratory disorders.
Find out more information about these pipes here. buy salt pipe here
Clinical trials have proven it works very well for those suffering from asthma, allergies, hay fever, sinus problems, bronchitis, coughs, snoring and other respiratory disorders.
Find out more information about these pipes here. buy salt pipe here
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Salt around the house
Surely, we all eat salt everyday. In fact, it has become a part of our daily meal. But what about the other uses of salt? Is salt useful only for cooking?
Well, no. There are various other uses of salt. Here are some of the things you can use salt for.
Deodorize your sneakers: During summer, sneakers and shoes tend to get smelly, especially if worn without socks. So just keep a little salt in the and let the odor vanish!
Longevity of brooms: If you dip a new straw broom in water and remove it after 20 minutes, it will last longer.
Cleaning the fireplace: To put off the remaining embers in a fire, douse the flames with salt. This will not only put out the flames, but also make cleaning the soot easier!
Cleaning grease stains: Use a mixture of 1 part salt to 4 parts rubbing alcohol to rub hard on the stain.
Relieve sting and bites: Dip some cotton in salt solution and keep the cotton directly on the affected area to relieve the pain.
Scented air freshener: Tired of spending money on expensive air fresheners? Well, all you need to do is take some salt and large rose petals in a jar with a tight lid, with the lid on for 2-3 hours. When you open the lid, experience the wonderful aroma of rose fill the room!
buy yours here. buy your table salts here
Well, no. There are various other uses of salt. Here are some of the things you can use salt for.
Deodorize your sneakers: During summer, sneakers and shoes tend to get smelly, especially if worn without socks. So just keep a little salt in the and let the odor vanish!
Longevity of brooms: If you dip a new straw broom in water and remove it after 20 minutes, it will last longer.
Cleaning the fireplace: To put off the remaining embers in a fire, douse the flames with salt. This will not only put out the flames, but also make cleaning the soot easier!
Cleaning grease stains: Use a mixture of 1 part salt to 4 parts rubbing alcohol to rub hard on the stain.
Relieve sting and bites: Dip some cotton in salt solution and keep the cotton directly on the affected area to relieve the pain.
Scented air freshener: Tired of spending money on expensive air fresheners? Well, all you need to do is take some salt and large rose petals in a jar with a tight lid, with the lid on for 2-3 hours. When you open the lid, experience the wonderful aroma of rose fill the room!
buy yours here. buy your table salts here
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Salt lamps and air
Salt has a natural affinity for water (H2O). We can readily see that by setting a bowl of salt out on the counter- it will absorb moisture (water vapor) from right out of the air in the room, which results in it “caking” together. This is why you so often find grains of rice mixed in with the salt in restaurants.
Himalayan Salt already contains minute amounts of water dispersed throughout the extremely fine crystal structure, but it is looking for more. When using a Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamp this “affinity” for water can be amplified many times in potency. The heat generated by the low wattage light bulb burning inside the Salt Crystal Lamp has the effect of “turning on” the crystal, so that it attracts the water vapor in the room at an even greater amount than when unlit.
With the Lamp now drawing larger quantities of vapor towards itself, the vapor, and anything hitching a ride on it (such as bacteria or pollen, for example) will momentarily condensate on the surface of the Salt Crystal Lamp. This results in a microscopic pool of water, which then immediately dissolves the salt it contacts, forming a “salt solution.”
As a child, whenever we had a sore throat, what did our mother tell us to do? Gargle with salt water! Why? –Because when the salt in the salt water came in contact with the bacteria causing our sore throat it would kill the bacteria. Well, that same process occurs at the microscopic level right on the surface of the lamp.
Virtually any pathogen finding itself in the salt solution as a result of the condensation of the water vapor, will be neutralized or killed. Then, just as quickly, because the Lamp is warmer than the ambient air in the room, the water evaporates; the salt re-crystallizes, and the process continues, billions of times, over and over again.
It should be noted that the wattage of the light bulb used in your Himalayan Salt Lamp is selected to match the size, shape, and weight of the Lamp, in order to produce the best results. Too cool a light bulb (not enough watts) and the water will condensate, but not evaporate.
The germs will die, but your Lamp will eventually “melt” (dissolve) over a long enough period of time. Too hot a bulb for the Salt Crystal Lamp and the water vapor will never be able to condensate on the surface. It is like Goldilocks, looking for the bulb that is just right. Fortunately, there is a wide range that works, but it is best to be in that range for optimal performance.
For more information. read about these wonderful lamps here
Himalayan Salt already contains minute amounts of water dispersed throughout the extremely fine crystal structure, but it is looking for more. When using a Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamp this “affinity” for water can be amplified many times in potency. The heat generated by the low wattage light bulb burning inside the Salt Crystal Lamp has the effect of “turning on” the crystal, so that it attracts the water vapor in the room at an even greater amount than when unlit.
With the Lamp now drawing larger quantities of vapor towards itself, the vapor, and anything hitching a ride on it (such as bacteria or pollen, for example) will momentarily condensate on the surface of the Salt Crystal Lamp. This results in a microscopic pool of water, which then immediately dissolves the salt it contacts, forming a “salt solution.”
As a child, whenever we had a sore throat, what did our mother tell us to do? Gargle with salt water! Why? –Because when the salt in the salt water came in contact with the bacteria causing our sore throat it would kill the bacteria. Well, that same process occurs at the microscopic level right on the surface of the lamp.
Virtually any pathogen finding itself in the salt solution as a result of the condensation of the water vapor, will be neutralized or killed. Then, just as quickly, because the Lamp is warmer than the ambient air in the room, the water evaporates; the salt re-crystallizes, and the process continues, billions of times, over and over again.
It should be noted that the wattage of the light bulb used in your Himalayan Salt Lamp is selected to match the size, shape, and weight of the Lamp, in order to produce the best results. Too cool a light bulb (not enough watts) and the water will condensate, but not evaporate.
The germs will die, but your Lamp will eventually “melt” (dissolve) over a long enough period of time. Too hot a bulb for the Salt Crystal Lamp and the water vapor will never be able to condensate on the surface. It is like Goldilocks, looking for the bulb that is just right. Fortunately, there is a wide range that works, but it is best to be in that range for optimal performance.
For more information. read about these wonderful lamps here
Monday, May 26, 2008
Salt pipes
Salt Pipe Inhaler. The Natural Aid To Easier Breathing. Hundreds of thousands of people suffering from allergies, asthma and other respiratory system ...
For more information. read about these wonderful pipes here
For more information. read about these wonderful pipes here
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Salt lamps come from?
Salt Lamps are produced from precious salt crystals of Natural Salt mines. Mountains of Co-Himalayan which is situated in Pakistan is famous for these types of Salt Crystals while Poland and Iran are also have some Salt mines which produce Salt Crystals. Every Salt Lamp is shaped by cutting the particular Salt Crystal chunks which are away from the Salt mines and vesseling them into a variety of expected and Geometric forms for the purchaser market. We can develop these pieces in any possible idea. Salt lamps looks very beautify and attractive when it lights up and we can find them in many different shapes
buy yours here. buy your salts lamps here
buy yours here. buy your salts lamps here
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Himalayan Salt Bath
How would you like to enjoy a soothing bath and at the same time take care of all sorts of health troubles, such as skin problems-including acne-recurrent infections, insect bites, female problems, and even arthritis and rheumatism? It's easy to do with a salt bath.
buy yours here. buy your table salts here
buy yours here. buy your table salts here
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Himalayan salt
One of the most valuable and purest salt available is the Himalayan Salt. The salt was produced 250 million years ago when the sun dried up the original prehistoric ocean. It is completely perfect and natural, equal to the structure of the earliest primitive sea. The salt is full of minerals and nutrients that are also found in our bodies.
The application of "Sole", also known as Brine water, was successfully done by health specialists and physicians by mixing Himalayan Salt with high quality purified or spring water. This Salt has encountered several pressures for years and due to this pressure the salt was formed. The more the firmness, the greater the perfection of the salt formation. These salt crystals, when looked at under a microscope, come in beautiful geometric patterns.
The Himalayan Salt comes in transparent, whitish, reddish or pinkish color and can be found on Salt Mountain and comes together where there is adequate pressure for it to form into a perfect crystalline constitution. The higher the transparency and neutral the crystal color, the higher its clarity. Like the diamond, the more geometric of the shape of the higher the energy content.
It has elements which are easily utilized by our cells. It is called "King Salt" because it was served to Royalty - ordinary people were only served Rock Salt. It contains 84 nutritional elements which are essential to our bodies' functions. It is clean and unpolluted, and has no impurities.
Regulating the water in our bodies, it promotes a strong PH balance in our cells, specifically the brain cells. It aids in regulating blood sugar level and reducing the aging process; it aids in the production of hydroelectric energy contained in the cells of our body. It allows for better nutrient absorption in the intestinal tract and it promotes respiratory and sinus health. It is also used to soothe menstrual cramps, strengthens our bones, helps cure insomnia, boosts libido, and encourages vascular health. In combination with water, it regulates our blood pressure.
Himalayan Salt can support healthy balance throughout your body. Through supporting the balance of electrolytes in the body, it helps in getting homeostasis; it balances the chemicals that are conductive to the function of the body.
There are many uses for the salt including rejuvenating baths, drinking therapy, restoring skin, flavoring meals, and so many more.
The Himalayan Salt has a very high quality of natural clean sodium chloride and has a perfect crystalline formation. It is quarried and hand washed. It is also resistant to electromagnetic fields.
The San Francisco Bath Salt Company's slogan is "Relaxing The World One Bath at a Time". We specialize in luxury bath salts for skincare and relaxation with the overall goal of improving health through bathing. Our website is a powerful resource of information about bathing and contains many more articles and our daily bathing blog. for more information visit or to visit our complete resource section on bathing goto
Article Source
The application of "Sole", also known as Brine water, was successfully done by health specialists and physicians by mixing Himalayan Salt with high quality purified or spring water. This Salt has encountered several pressures for years and due to this pressure the salt was formed. The more the firmness, the greater the perfection of the salt formation. These salt crystals, when looked at under a microscope, come in beautiful geometric patterns.
The Himalayan Salt comes in transparent, whitish, reddish or pinkish color and can be found on Salt Mountain and comes together where there is adequate pressure for it to form into a perfect crystalline constitution. The higher the transparency and neutral the crystal color, the higher its clarity. Like the diamond, the more geometric of the shape of the higher the energy content.
It has elements which are easily utilized by our cells. It is called "King Salt" because it was served to Royalty - ordinary people were only served Rock Salt. It contains 84 nutritional elements which are essential to our bodies' functions. It is clean and unpolluted, and has no impurities.
Regulating the water in our bodies, it promotes a strong PH balance in our cells, specifically the brain cells. It aids in regulating blood sugar level and reducing the aging process; it aids in the production of hydroelectric energy contained in the cells of our body. It allows for better nutrient absorption in the intestinal tract and it promotes respiratory and sinus health. It is also used to soothe menstrual cramps, strengthens our bones, helps cure insomnia, boosts libido, and encourages vascular health. In combination with water, it regulates our blood pressure.
Himalayan Salt can support healthy balance throughout your body. Through supporting the balance of electrolytes in the body, it helps in getting homeostasis; it balances the chemicals that are conductive to the function of the body.
There are many uses for the salt including rejuvenating baths, drinking therapy, restoring skin, flavoring meals, and so many more.
The Himalayan Salt has a very high quality of natural clean sodium chloride and has a perfect crystalline formation. It is quarried and hand washed. It is also resistant to electromagnetic fields.
The San Francisco Bath Salt Company's slogan is "Relaxing The World One Bath at a Time". We specialize in luxury bath salts for skincare and relaxation with the overall goal of improving health through bathing. Our website is a powerful resource of information about bathing and contains many more articles and our daily bathing blog. for more information visit or to visit our complete resource section on bathing goto
Article Source
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sea Salt!!!
Sea salt and table salt both contain sodium chloride. Sea salt also contains small amounts of magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate and calcium sulfate, which are nutritionally insignificant. Sea salt, kosher salt, monosodium glutamate, and seasoning salts are all treated the same way in your body.
You need to eat foods that contain iodine for your body to be able to make thyroid hormone. The best sources are iodized salt and seafood. Plants can be a good source, but only if they are grown on iodine-rich soil. A study in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (September-October 2003) showed that vegetarians are at increased risk for iodine deficiency that causes low thyroid function. In this study, 25 percent of vegetarians and 80 percent of vegans had low blood levels of iodine, compared to only nine percent of people who eat both meat and vegetables. While iodized table salt is a good source of iodine, sea salt often is not. If you don't use table salt or eat ocean fish or kelp, get a blood test for iodine. If your iodine level is low, you need to eat more seafood or iodized salt, or take iodine pills.
Many people go on low salt diets because they think that it will improve their health, but a low-salt diet usually does not lower high blood pressure. The most healthy diet contains lots of whole grains, vegetables, seeds and nuts, and they all taste better with salt. You cannot exercise in the heat without taking extra salt.
If you want to reduce the amount of salt in your diet and fool your taste buds, try adding tart flavoring such as lemon juice or vinegar.
Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at
buy your here. buy your table salts here
You need to eat foods that contain iodine for your body to be able to make thyroid hormone. The best sources are iodized salt and seafood. Plants can be a good source, but only if they are grown on iodine-rich soil. A study in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (September-October 2003) showed that vegetarians are at increased risk for iodine deficiency that causes low thyroid function. In this study, 25 percent of vegetarians and 80 percent of vegans had low blood levels of iodine, compared to only nine percent of people who eat both meat and vegetables. While iodized table salt is a good source of iodine, sea salt often is not. If you don't use table salt or eat ocean fish or kelp, get a blood test for iodine. If your iodine level is low, you need to eat more seafood or iodized salt, or take iodine pills.
Many people go on low salt diets because they think that it will improve their health, but a low-salt diet usually does not lower high blood pressure. The most healthy diet contains lots of whole grains, vegetables, seeds and nuts, and they all taste better with salt. You cannot exercise in the heat without taking extra salt.
If you want to reduce the amount of salt in your diet and fool your taste buds, try adding tart flavoring such as lemon juice or vinegar.
Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at
buy your here. buy your table salts here
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Hey! Why use Bath salts?
Benefits Of Bath Salt
Bath salts are very good for detoxifying your body. It can ease your sore muscles, aching feet, back pain, muscle tensions and even suppresses athlete's foot and corns.
Bath salts are also known to rejuvenate your skin and add radiance by removing dirt and toxins. By removing these impurities, it can often "cure" common skin problems like eczema, psoriasis and itching. It can also be used to minimize scars while at the same time retains moisture in the skin.
You can mix bath salt and essential oil for a soothing session of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can induce calmness, helping to ensure you will have a sound and relaxing sleep.
buy your here. buy your bath salts here
Bath salts are very good for detoxifying your body. It can ease your sore muscles, aching feet, back pain, muscle tensions and even suppresses athlete's foot and corns.
Bath salts are also known to rejuvenate your skin and add radiance by removing dirt and toxins. By removing these impurities, it can often "cure" common skin problems like eczema, psoriasis and itching. It can also be used to minimize scars while at the same time retains moisture in the skin.
You can mix bath salt and essential oil for a soothing session of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can induce calmness, helping to ensure you will have a sound and relaxing sleep.
buy your here. buy your bath salts here
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Salt lamps
Salt crystal lamps can be beneficial to your health. Himalayan rock crystal lamps have been known to help with many health problems such as sinuses, hypertension, respiratory problems, arthritis, migraines, liver conditions and many more.
These lamps are well known for relieving allergies. There are salt mines that are used for just this purpose. People actually travel deep into the earth to acquire the benefits of salt crystals.
These lamps are made from salt crystal rocks. You can purchase them as candle holders or lamps. The electric lamps may be safer and apparently will work better, although the candles do give off a pleasant flickering light.
These salt lamps are made from salt crystal rocks that nature formed hundreds of millions of years ago. They are mined with caution to preserve their purity and natural beauty. They are pleasant to look at with their soft, warm light and unique appearance.
Salt lamps work like ionizers but without the negative aspects like ozone that unnatural ionizers produce. The salt lamps also possess a healthier frequency of about 100-160Hz. This is closer to our brain frequency of only 8 Hz.
We are bombarded with many higher frequencies every day. The unnatural sources are TVs, radio waves, microwaves, cell phones and computers. These higher frequencies can create nervousness, cancer, insomnia and other diseases.
Salt crystals help fight against these other higher frequencies. The salt lamps also create negative ions that bind to the excess positive ions. This brings the environment closer to nature.
You may have felt more refreshed after a shower or could tell how much cleaner the air was after a rain. This is because of the negative ions produced in these situations. Niagara Falls must produce quite a lot of these negative ions.
The salt lamps can help us by correcting the ions in the air, but also the color it produces though the crystals are therapeutic. The third way is by bringing the immediate surroundings back to earth's natural oscillation frequency.
Although the lamps may not give the benefits of the salt mines, they are more convenient for most people. The larger lamps work well up to 10 feet or so. The closer you are the better. You could use several lamps to extend this distant.
Many people have found fast relief from these salt lamps. They are affordable for most individuals.
Just think of all the manmade inventions that cause pollution to our earth. Besides the pollution you can see, there's more that your body can feel such as positive ions, incredibly high frequencies and unnatural lighting.
You can fight back and help balance your own little world by making it more natural. One of your tools could be these Himalayan salt rock crystal lamps.
Read other interesting articles at Articles Mall
Article Source:
See our salt lamps on offer here
These lamps are well known for relieving allergies. There are salt mines that are used for just this purpose. People actually travel deep into the earth to acquire the benefits of salt crystals.
These lamps are made from salt crystal rocks. You can purchase them as candle holders or lamps. The electric lamps may be safer and apparently will work better, although the candles do give off a pleasant flickering light.
These salt lamps are made from salt crystal rocks that nature formed hundreds of millions of years ago. They are mined with caution to preserve their purity and natural beauty. They are pleasant to look at with their soft, warm light and unique appearance.
Salt lamps work like ionizers but without the negative aspects like ozone that unnatural ionizers produce. The salt lamps also possess a healthier frequency of about 100-160Hz. This is closer to our brain frequency of only 8 Hz.
We are bombarded with many higher frequencies every day. The unnatural sources are TVs, radio waves, microwaves, cell phones and computers. These higher frequencies can create nervousness, cancer, insomnia and other diseases.
Salt crystals help fight against these other higher frequencies. The salt lamps also create negative ions that bind to the excess positive ions. This brings the environment closer to nature.
You may have felt more refreshed after a shower or could tell how much cleaner the air was after a rain. This is because of the negative ions produced in these situations. Niagara Falls must produce quite a lot of these negative ions.
The salt lamps can help us by correcting the ions in the air, but also the color it produces though the crystals are therapeutic. The third way is by bringing the immediate surroundings back to earth's natural oscillation frequency.
Although the lamps may not give the benefits of the salt mines, they are more convenient for most people. The larger lamps work well up to 10 feet or so. The closer you are the better. You could use several lamps to extend this distant.
Many people have found fast relief from these salt lamps. They are affordable for most individuals.
Just think of all the manmade inventions that cause pollution to our earth. Besides the pollution you can see, there's more that your body can feel such as positive ions, incredibly high frequencies and unnatural lighting.
You can fight back and help balance your own little world by making it more natural. One of your tools could be these Himalayan salt rock crystal lamps.
Read other interesting articles at Articles Mall
Article Source:
See our salt lamps on offer here
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Salt Pipes
The Salt Pipe is a very simple and natural way to make a real difference to your health.
It uses the benefit of ancient salt cave therapies to maintain optimum respiratory function and to help you to breathe easier. Suitable for adults and children.
Surefire Technique to aid your Asthma
It uses the benefit of ancient salt cave therapies to maintain optimum respiratory function and to help you to breathe easier. Suitable for adults and children.
Surefire Technique to aid your Asthma
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Two reviews of Himalayan Salt
Himalayan Salt is very fine and adds a nice compliment to food. The pink tint makes it a great display salt for clear containers.
I purchased the Himalayan salt as a Christmas gift for my boyfriend who is a professional chef. He loves using different types of salts. He absolutely loved the gift and uses it everyday. I'm glad that I found it on!
I purchased the Himalayan salt as a Christmas gift for my boyfriend who is a professional chef. He loves using different types of salts. He absolutely loved the gift and uses it everyday. I'm glad that I found it on!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Salt lamps
Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps are made from natural salt crystals formed by nature hundreds of millions of years ago and excavated from deep underground. The ordinary colours of the Himalayan salt crystals merge from off-white and apricot to warm pink and orange. Each lamp is hand crafted, so not two products are alike. These lamps are cautiously crafted by hand to retain the unique, beautiful and natural shape of the rock. The result is an uncommon crystal with such gorgeous color combination. As the light bulb of Himalayan Salt crystal lamps warms up the lamp, healthy negative ions lift off from the surface and aid to clean and improve the quality of the air. Ever experienced the change in the air after a good rain? That's from negative ions, and that's what these lamps do, and they don't lose their power over time.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Read This your jaw drop in disbelief
. . .will make your jaw drop in disbelief – and it
might just get us closed down, too!
Thirteen FREE reports reveal such explosive and
damning revelations about cures that are being kept from us, that we expect to
get a knock on our door very soon from the ‘health police’.
We urge you to copy them, circulate them, let as many people as possible know
about them . . . BEFORE they stop us making this information available.
. . .will make your jaw drop in disbelief – and it
might just get us closed down, too!
Thirteen FREE reports reveal such explosive and
damning revelations about cures that are being kept from us, that we expect to
get a knock on our door very soon from the ‘health police’.
We urge you to copy them, circulate them, let as many people as possible know
about them . . . BEFORE they stop us making this information available.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Salt lamps on Offer
Himalayan salt mined in the mountain region of Tibet is a great way to clean up your environment. Salt Lamps are created by carving chunks of salt crystals into both natural and geometric shapes. A hole is then drilled into the crystal shape and inserted with an incandescent bulb or votive candle. This creates a beautiful glow that makes it not just good for you, but a great centerpiece.
Salt lamps work as natural ionizers by generating negative ions into the air. The effect of air ionization by salt originates from physical and chemical properties discovered centuries ago. These negative ions purify the air and kill bacteria and other harmful organisms. They are helpful in reducing respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, pollen, and smoke. Salt lamps clear the EMF radiation which is emitted by all electrical appliances in your home and office. I enjoy having a salt lamp in my home, I have noticed that I don't get headaches or lethargic after siting at my computer for hours since I put the salt lamp up. I leave it on all night long, so it can continue to work.
Salt is a mineral we all need to survive, it is in the oceans which cover 70% of our planet and in our bodies. While too much of any mineral is not good for you, salt is still necessary for a healthy lifestyle.
For more information on how important salt is, check out the book SALT AND WATER, by Dr. Barbara Hendel MD.
Now you can get Salt Lamps at many Holistic, Metaphysical and Health website and stores.
Two Salt lamps derived to your home for $66:
Salt lamps work as natural ionizers by generating negative ions into the air. The effect of air ionization by salt originates from physical and chemical properties discovered centuries ago. These negative ions purify the air and kill bacteria and other harmful organisms. They are helpful in reducing respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, pollen, and smoke. Salt lamps clear the EMF radiation which is emitted by all electrical appliances in your home and office. I enjoy having a salt lamp in my home, I have noticed that I don't get headaches or lethargic after siting at my computer for hours since I put the salt lamp up. I leave it on all night long, so it can continue to work.
Salt is a mineral we all need to survive, it is in the oceans which cover 70% of our planet and in our bodies. While too much of any mineral is not good for you, salt is still necessary for a healthy lifestyle.
For more information on how important salt is, check out the book SALT AND WATER, by Dr. Barbara Hendel MD.
Now you can get Salt Lamps at many Holistic, Metaphysical and Health website and stores.
Two Salt lamps derived to your home for $66:
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Himalayan Crystal Salt :and your stove spills
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Himalayan Salt for your brain
Himalayan Salt is the finest; hand picked and stone ground crystal salt, which is transparent with pink and reddish veins, it is the purest salt in the world. It is found naturally deep inside the pristine Himalayan Mountains. Himalayan Salt is vital to the extraction of excess acidity from the cells in the body, particularly the brain cells;and is vital for the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in the body.
Buy your Himalayan Salt from
Buy your Himalayan Salt from
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Himalayan Crystal Salt :and your stove
Any spills on your stove top can be cleaned up more easily if sprinkled with Himalayan salt first. The mild abrasive quality of salt removes stuck on food, but it will not mar your stove surface.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Himalayan Salt and Your Frigerator
Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Easter
The reason why Easter changes….well read the following.
The Feast of Easter was well established by the second century. But there had been dispute over the exact date of the Easter observance between the Eastern and Western Churches. The East wanted to have it on a weekday because early Christians observed Passover every year on the 14th of Nisan, the month based on the lunar calendar. But, the West wanted that Easter should always be a Sunday regardless of the date.
To solve this problem the emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicaea in 325. The question of the date of Easter was one of its main concerns. The council decided that Easter should fall on Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. But fixing up the date of the Equinox was still a problem. The Alexandrians, noted for their rich knowledge in astronomical calculations were given the task. And March 21 was made out to be the perfect date for spring equinox.
The dating of Easter today follows the same. Accordingly, churches in the West observe it on the first day of the full moon that occurs on or following the Spring equinox on March 21., it became a movable feast between March 21 and April 25.
Still some churches in the East observe Easter according to the date of the Passover festival.
The preparation takes off as early as on the Ash Wednesday from which the period of penitence in the Lent begins. The Lent and the Holy week end on the Easter Sunday, the day of resurrection.
Happy Easter to you and yours.
The Feast of Easter was well established by the second century. But there had been dispute over the exact date of the Easter observance between the Eastern and Western Churches. The East wanted to have it on a weekday because early Christians observed Passover every year on the 14th of Nisan, the month based on the lunar calendar. But, the West wanted that Easter should always be a Sunday regardless of the date.
To solve this problem the emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicaea in 325. The question of the date of Easter was one of its main concerns. The council decided that Easter should fall on Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. But fixing up the date of the Equinox was still a problem. The Alexandrians, noted for their rich knowledge in astronomical calculations were given the task. And March 21 was made out to be the perfect date for spring equinox.
The dating of Easter today follows the same. Accordingly, churches in the West observe it on the first day of the full moon that occurs on or following the Spring equinox on March 21., it became a movable feast between March 21 and April 25.
Still some churches in the East observe Easter according to the date of the Passover festival.
The preparation takes off as early as on the Ash Wednesday from which the period of penitence in the Lent begins. The Lent and the Holy week end on the Easter Sunday, the day of resurrection.
Happy Easter to you and yours.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Himalayan Salt and an agreement>
Salt was once a symbol of incorruption and therefore making a covent of salt was a binding agreement that was made to last forever.
Buy your Himalayan Salt
Buy your Himalayan Salt
Monday, March 17, 2008
Himalayan Crystal Salt : and your oven
If a pie or similar sugary item boils over in your oven, sprinkle the sticky spill with Himalayan salt. Let it sit until spilled area becomes crisp, then lift off with a spatula when the oven cools.
Buy your Himalayan salt from :
Buy your Himalayan salt from :
Friday, March 14, 2008
Himlayan Salt and your Mugs
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Himalayan Crystal Salt :and coffee machines
You can remove coffee and mineral stains from the gloss pot of an automatic drip coffeemaker by adding 1 cup crushed ice, 1 tablespoon water and 4 teaspoons salt to pot when it is at room temperature.Gently swirl mixture, rinse and then wash as usual. buy your himalayan salt
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Himalayan Crystal Salt hints
A lot of people find that the kitchen is the most difficult room in their home to keep clean.And with good reason! With its endless supply of spills,drips, greasy pans,dirty dishes, and foot traffic, kitchen cleanup can certainly feel like an endless series of task. But thanks to Himalayan Salt, you do not need different commercials cleaner to tackle each problem. An indispensable tool in any kitchen,Himalayan salt cleans practically anything plus perform some nifty restoration and maintenance tricks....come back to this blog often to see what Himalayan Salt can do for you.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Salt Lamps and the rain
For the frist time for quite a while we have a drop of rain here in Oxford......but my lamps are safe indoors and away from the damp........unlike a friend of mine who keep there lamp outside under the over hang ( it was under cover,but out in the damp)...the result was that the lamp beware of damp places with your lamp.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Salt lamps do not help your health!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Salt and exercise
Salt and exercise
Exercise helps us stay fit, maintain a healthy weight and reduces our stress levels. Long term, it helps to protect against heart disease and stroke, and to keep our blood pressure constant.
Active people need plenty to drink to prevent dehydration. When we exercise, we sweat - losing both water and sodium. It is crucial to drink water before, during and after exercise. As a rough guide, you need to drink about a pint of water or other non-alcoholic drink for every 30 minutes of activity, and more in hot environments.
However, if we just replace the water, our blood plasma will be diluted. We must also replace the sodium and carbohydrate we lose.
Dietician and sports nutritionist, Jane Griffin, recommends sports drinks: “Not only does the carbohydrate give the athlete an energy boost, but combined with sodium, it also helps the water to be absorbed through the gut wall more quickly by binding with it and carrying it across.”
Exercise helps us stay fit, maintain a healthy weight and reduces our stress levels. Long term, it helps to protect against heart disease and stroke, and to keep our blood pressure constant.
Active people need plenty to drink to prevent dehydration. When we exercise, we sweat - losing both water and sodium. It is crucial to drink water before, during and after exercise. As a rough guide, you need to drink about a pint of water or other non-alcoholic drink for every 30 minutes of activity, and more in hot environments.
However, if we just replace the water, our blood plasma will be diluted. We must also replace the sodium and carbohydrate we lose.
Dietician and sports nutritionist, Jane Griffin, recommends sports drinks: “Not only does the carbohydrate give the athlete an energy boost, but combined with sodium, it also helps the water to be absorbed through the gut wall more quickly by binding with it and carrying it across.”
Friday, February 29, 2008
Salt Lamps: what do you think?
What you think about has an effect on the fabric of nature itself. Circumstances and events are created according to how often you think about them and the
degree of expectation. If you expect a bad day, you'll get one
- on all levels, both psychologically and physically.If you expect to get asthma or what-ever will get it!!!!!
If you
expect to double your income in the next twelve months, not
only will your mind come up with ways of doing it, not only
will you be psychologically set up to achieve it, but happy
events and circumstances will appear, almost spookily into your
But don't take my word for it, or anyone
else. Don't take this on trust. Don't take this just because
thousands of others have proved it in their own lives. This
degree of expectation. If you expect a bad day, you'll get one
- on all levels, both psychologically and physically.If you expect to get asthma or what-ever will get it!!!!!
If you
expect to double your income in the next twelve months, not
only will your mind come up with ways of doing it, not only
will you be psychologically set up to achieve it, but happy
events and circumstances will appear, almost spookily into your
But don't take my word for it, or anyone
else. Don't take this on trust. Don't take this just because
thousands of others have proved it in their own lives. This
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Salt Lamps are lovely
This is from www.answers.comSalt lamp is a lamp carved from a natural salt crystal, sometimes colored, with an incandescent bulb or a candle inside. The largest producers of this product are located in Pakistan, with Poland and Iran also offering variations. They are sometimes marketed as healing aids for various maladies.
Some believe that salt lamps give off negative ions, producing health benefits. However, there is no evidence that salt lamps give off negative ions or that salt lamps produce any health benefits.
I would stress that there is no evidence but many people feel better and are healther because they have a house full of them. Myself included.
Some believe that salt lamps give off negative ions, producing health benefits. However, there is no evidence that salt lamps give off negative ions or that salt lamps produce any health benefits.
I would stress that there is no evidence but many people feel better and are healther because they have a house full of them. Myself included.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Himalayan Crystal Salt :
Himalayan Crystal Salt comes from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains and can be used in place of common (toxic) table & cooking salt
The larger Himalayan salt crystals are hand-crushed to make this holistic, natural salt small enough to be used in a common saltshaker. This salt has all the natural characteristics of the original crystals from which it comes and has a distinctive "alive" taste that's naturally delicious. Slightly pink in color, it contains 84 minerals in a form that can be easily assimilated and metabolized by the body. This salt is truly wholesome and delicious! Each bag contains 1 kilo or 2lbs. 2.35oz. of salt.
The larger Himalayan salt crystals are hand-crushed to make this holistic, natural salt small enough to be used in a common saltshaker. This salt has all the natural characteristics of the original crystals from which it comes and has a distinctive "alive" taste that's naturally delicious. Slightly pink in color, it contains 84 minerals in a form that can be easily assimilated and metabolized by the body. This salt is truly wholesome and delicious! Each bag contains 1 kilo or 2lbs. 2.35oz. of salt.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Himalayan Salt:how to prepare Sloe
How to prepare sole
To make a sole solution simply add a desert spoon of crystals into a glass jar then fill with water. Put the lid on and leave for 24hrs for the crystals to dissolve. Once dissolved add some more, up until such time that the crystals stop dissolving. At this point the solution is saturated at 26% and ready for consumption.
Take 1 teaspoon every morning in a glass of water before breakfast.
Just one glass of sole a day brings amazing benefits and has positive effects on various diseases.
If your exercising and sweating a lot, it is vital that you replace your mineral levels as well as water levels to avoid sodium depletion. Using Himalayan Rock Salt in a weak solution with water is the most natural and effective way of re-hydrating your body. A good balance is around a quarter of a teaspoon of salt for every litre of water.
Buy your Himalayan Salt Here:
To make a sole solution simply add a desert spoon of crystals into a glass jar then fill with water. Put the lid on and leave for 24hrs for the crystals to dissolve. Once dissolved add some more, up until such time that the crystals stop dissolving. At this point the solution is saturated at 26% and ready for consumption.
Take 1 teaspoon every morning in a glass of water before breakfast.
Just one glass of sole a day brings amazing benefits and has positive effects on various diseases.
If your exercising and sweating a lot, it is vital that you replace your mineral levels as well as water levels to avoid sodium depletion. Using Himalayan Rock Salt in a weak solution with water is the most natural and effective way of re-hydrating your body. A good balance is around a quarter of a teaspoon of salt for every litre of water.
Buy your Himalayan Salt Here:
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Himalayan Crystal Salt :for your welbeing
Himalayan Crystal salt as mentioned in Independent 22nd Jan 08 in article: 'How Salt Can Actually Be Good For You' Extract: ''Unrefined Rock Salt contains more than 84 different minerals.
How It Can Heal: PMS: Mineral rich salts can help ease PMS, reducing water retention and muscular tension. JOINT PROBLEMS: Minerals have an alkalising effect on the body which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body reducing pain. BACK PAIN: Mineral salt has magnesium which helps relax. BONE STRENGTH: Minerals help bone strength and unrefined rock salt is high in minerals. The rose coloured crystals are claimed to help digestion, strengthen bones, ease arthritis and relax the nervous and muscular system.''
'Sole' is a mixture of water and salt which has many health benefits. A mixture of sole can be made by Himalayan salt crystals dissolved in water or can be purchased at:
How It Can Heal: PMS: Mineral rich salts can help ease PMS, reducing water retention and muscular tension. JOINT PROBLEMS: Minerals have an alkalising effect on the body which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body reducing pain. BACK PAIN: Mineral salt has magnesium which helps relax. BONE STRENGTH: Minerals help bone strength and unrefined rock salt is high in minerals. The rose coloured crystals are claimed to help digestion, strengthen bones, ease arthritis and relax the nervous and muscular system.''
'Sole' is a mixture of water and salt which has many health benefits. A mixture of sole can be made by Himalayan salt crystals dissolved in water or can be purchased at:
Monday, February 18, 2008
Himalayan Crystal Salt :How much do you need.
You've been trying to eat less sodium - just a pinch of table salt on your baked potato and a dash to your scrambled eggs.
The main sources of sodium in the average U.S. diet.
But a pinch and a dash can quickly add up to unhealthy levels of sodium, especially when many foods already contain more than enough sodium. About 11 percent of the sodium in the average U.S. diet comes from adding salt or other sodium-containing condiments to foods while cooking or eating. But the majority of the sodium - 77 percent - comes from eating prepared or processed foods that contain the mineral. So even though you may limit the amount of salt you add to food, the food itself may already be high in sodium.
Are you getting too much? Here's where sodium sneaks into your diet and ways you can shake the habit.
Sodium: Essential in small amounts
Date updated: December 07, 2007
Content provided by
Your body needs some sodium to function properly. Sodium:
Helps maintain the right balance of fluids in your body
Helps transmit nerve impulses
Influences the contraction and relaxation of muscles
Your kidneys regulate the amount of sodium kept in your body. When sodium levels are low, your kidneys conserve sodium. When levels are high, they excrete the excess amount in urine.
If your kidneys can't eliminate enough sodium, the sodium starts to accumulate in your blood. Because sodium attracts and holds water, your blood volume increases. Increased blood volume, in turn, makes your heart work harder to move more blood through your blood vessels, increasing pressure in your arteries. Certain diseases such as congestive heart failure, cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease can lead to an inability to regulate sodium.
Some people are more sensitive to the effects of sodium than are others. People who are sodium sensitive retain sodium more easily, leading to excess fluid retention and increased blood pressure. If you're in that group, extra sodium in your diet increases your chance of developing high blood pressure, a condition that can lead to cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
How much sodium do you need?
Various organizations, including the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, have published recommendations for daily sodium intake. Most recommend between 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams (mg) a day for healthy adults. A lower sodium intake has a more beneficial effect on blood pressure.
If you are older than 50, are black or have a health condition such as high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease or diabetes, you may be more sensitive to the blood pressure raising effects of sodium. As a result, aim for a sodium intake at the low end of the range recommended for healthy adults. Talk to your doctor about the sodium limit that's best for you.
Three main sources of sodium
The average U.S. diet has three main sources of sodium:
Processed and prepared foods. Most sodium in a person's diet comes from eating processed and prepared foods, such as canned vegetables, soups, luncheon meats and frozen foods. Food manufacturers use salt or other sodium-containing compounds to preserve food and to improve the taste and texture of food.
Sodium-containing condiments. One teaspoon of table salt has 2,325 mg of sodium, and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce has 1,005 mg of sodium. Adding these or other sodium-laden condiments to your meals - either while cooking or at the table - raises the sodium count of food.
Natural sources of sodium. Sodium naturally occurs in some foods, such as meat, poultry, dairy products and vegetables. For example, 1 cup of low-fat milk has about 110 mg of sodium.
Whether food comes by its sodium naturally or not, your daily intake can add up quickly when you tally the sodium from all of your meals and snacks. Here's an example of how easily sodium adds up:
Food Amount of sodium
Scrambled eggs, 2 large 342 mg
Bacon, 1 slice 192 mg
Whole-wheat bread, 1 slice 148 mg
Butter, 2 teaspoons 54 mg
Total sodium for meal 736 mg
Whole-wheat bread, 2 slices 296 mg
Ham, luncheon meat, 1 slice 350 mg
Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon 105 mg
Dill pickle, 1 spear 385 mg
Pretzels, 1 ounce 486 mg
Orange, 1 large 0 mg
Total sodium for meal 1,622 mg
Spaghetti noodles, 1 cup 179 mg
Spaghetti sauce, 1/2 cup 601 mg
Parmesan cheese, 1 tablespoon 76 mg
Green beans, canned, 1/2 cup 177 mg
Garlic bread, 1 slice 200 mg
Total sodium for meal 1,233 mg
Total sodium for the day 3,591 mg
Source: Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Data Laboratory, 2005
Sodium: Are you getting too much?
Be a savvy shopper: Find the sodium
Date updated: December 07, 2007
Content provided by
Taste alone may not tell you which foods are high in sodium. For example, you may not think a bagel tastes salty, but a 4-inch oat-bran bagel has 451 mg of sodium.
So how do you identify foods high in sodium? The best way to determine sodium content is to read food labels. The Nutrition Facts label tells you how much sodium is in each serving. It also lists whether salt or sodium-containing compounds are ingredients. Examples of these compounds include:
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Baking soda
Baking powder
Disodium phosphate
Sodium alginate
Sodium nitrate or nitrite
Section: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Previous: Three main sources of sodium Next: How to cut your sodium intake
Sodium: Are you getting too much?
How to cut your sodium intake
Date updated: December 07, 2007
Content provided by
You may or may not be particularly sensitive to the effects of sodium. And because there's no way to know who might develop high blood pressure as a result of a high-sodium diet, choose and prepare foods with less sodium.
You can control your sodium intake several ways:
Eat more fresh foods and fewer processed foods. Most fresh fruits and vegetables are naturally low in sodium. Also, fresh meat is lower in sodium than luncheon meat, bacon, hot dogs, sausage and ham are.
Opt for low-sodium products. If you do buy processed foods, select those that have reduced sodium.
Remove salt from recipes whenever possible. You can leave out the salt in many recipes, including casseroles, stews and other main dishes. Baked goods are an exception. Leaving out the salt could affect the quality as well as the taste of the food.
Limit your use of sodium-laden condiments. Salad dressings, sauces, dips, ketchup, mustard and relish all contain sodium.
Use herbs, spices and other flavorings to enhance foods. Learn how to use fresh or dried herbs, spices, zest from citrus fruit and fruit juices to jazz up your meals.
Use salt substitutes wisely. Some salt substitutes or light salts contain a mixture of table salt (sodium chloride) and other compounds. To achieve that familiar salty taste, you may use too much of the substitute and actually not reduce your sodium intake. In addition, many salt substitutes contain potassium chloride. Though dietary potassium can lessen some of the harm of excess sodium, too much supplemental potassium can be harmful if you have kidney problems or if you're taking medications for congestive heart failure or high blood pressure that cause potassium retention.
Your taste for salt is acquired, so it's reversible. To unlearn this salty savoring, decrease your use of salt gradually and your taste buds will adjust. Most people find that after a few weeks of cutting their salt intake, they no longer miss it. Start by using no more than 1/4 teaspoon of added salt daily, then gradually reduce to no salt add-ons. As you use less salt, your preference for it lessens, allowing you to enjoy the taste of food itself.
the above is from:
Use Himalayan Salt
The main sources of sodium in the average U.S. diet.
But a pinch and a dash can quickly add up to unhealthy levels of sodium, especially when many foods already contain more than enough sodium. About 11 percent of the sodium in the average U.S. diet comes from adding salt or other sodium-containing condiments to foods while cooking or eating. But the majority of the sodium - 77 percent - comes from eating prepared or processed foods that contain the mineral. So even though you may limit the amount of salt you add to food, the food itself may already be high in sodium.
Are you getting too much? Here's where sodium sneaks into your diet and ways you can shake the habit.
Sodium: Essential in small amounts
Date updated: December 07, 2007
Content provided by
Your body needs some sodium to function properly. Sodium:
Helps maintain the right balance of fluids in your body
Helps transmit nerve impulses
Influences the contraction and relaxation of muscles
Your kidneys regulate the amount of sodium kept in your body. When sodium levels are low, your kidneys conserve sodium. When levels are high, they excrete the excess amount in urine.
If your kidneys can't eliminate enough sodium, the sodium starts to accumulate in your blood. Because sodium attracts and holds water, your blood volume increases. Increased blood volume, in turn, makes your heart work harder to move more blood through your blood vessels, increasing pressure in your arteries. Certain diseases such as congestive heart failure, cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease can lead to an inability to regulate sodium.
Some people are more sensitive to the effects of sodium than are others. People who are sodium sensitive retain sodium more easily, leading to excess fluid retention and increased blood pressure. If you're in that group, extra sodium in your diet increases your chance of developing high blood pressure, a condition that can lead to cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
How much sodium do you need?
Various organizations, including the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, have published recommendations for daily sodium intake. Most recommend between 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams (mg) a day for healthy adults. A lower sodium intake has a more beneficial effect on blood pressure.
If you are older than 50, are black or have a health condition such as high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease or diabetes, you may be more sensitive to the blood pressure raising effects of sodium. As a result, aim for a sodium intake at the low end of the range recommended for healthy adults. Talk to your doctor about the sodium limit that's best for you.
Three main sources of sodium
The average U.S. diet has three main sources of sodium:
Processed and prepared foods. Most sodium in a person's diet comes from eating processed and prepared foods, such as canned vegetables, soups, luncheon meats and frozen foods. Food manufacturers use salt or other sodium-containing compounds to preserve food and to improve the taste and texture of food.
Sodium-containing condiments. One teaspoon of table salt has 2,325 mg of sodium, and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce has 1,005 mg of sodium. Adding these or other sodium-laden condiments to your meals - either while cooking or at the table - raises the sodium count of food.
Natural sources of sodium. Sodium naturally occurs in some foods, such as meat, poultry, dairy products and vegetables. For example, 1 cup of low-fat milk has about 110 mg of sodium.
Whether food comes by its sodium naturally or not, your daily intake can add up quickly when you tally the sodium from all of your meals and snacks. Here's an example of how easily sodium adds up:
Food Amount of sodium
Scrambled eggs, 2 large 342 mg
Bacon, 1 slice 192 mg
Whole-wheat bread, 1 slice 148 mg
Butter, 2 teaspoons 54 mg
Total sodium for meal 736 mg
Whole-wheat bread, 2 slices 296 mg
Ham, luncheon meat, 1 slice 350 mg
Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon 105 mg
Dill pickle, 1 spear 385 mg
Pretzels, 1 ounce 486 mg
Orange, 1 large 0 mg
Total sodium for meal 1,622 mg
Spaghetti noodles, 1 cup 179 mg
Spaghetti sauce, 1/2 cup 601 mg
Parmesan cheese, 1 tablespoon 76 mg
Green beans, canned, 1/2 cup 177 mg
Garlic bread, 1 slice 200 mg
Total sodium for meal 1,233 mg
Total sodium for the day 3,591 mg
Source: Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Data Laboratory, 2005
Sodium: Are you getting too much?
Be a savvy shopper: Find the sodium
Date updated: December 07, 2007
Content provided by
Taste alone may not tell you which foods are high in sodium. For example, you may not think a bagel tastes salty, but a 4-inch oat-bran bagel has 451 mg of sodium.
So how do you identify foods high in sodium? The best way to determine sodium content is to read food labels. The Nutrition Facts label tells you how much sodium is in each serving. It also lists whether salt or sodium-containing compounds are ingredients. Examples of these compounds include:
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Baking soda
Baking powder
Disodium phosphate
Sodium alginate
Sodium nitrate or nitrite
Section: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Previous: Three main sources of sodium Next: How to cut your sodium intake
Sodium: Are you getting too much?
How to cut your sodium intake
Date updated: December 07, 2007
Content provided by
You may or may not be particularly sensitive to the effects of sodium. And because there's no way to know who might develop high blood pressure as a result of a high-sodium diet, choose and prepare foods with less sodium.
You can control your sodium intake several ways:
Eat more fresh foods and fewer processed foods. Most fresh fruits and vegetables are naturally low in sodium. Also, fresh meat is lower in sodium than luncheon meat, bacon, hot dogs, sausage and ham are.
Opt for low-sodium products. If you do buy processed foods, select those that have reduced sodium.
Remove salt from recipes whenever possible. You can leave out the salt in many recipes, including casseroles, stews and other main dishes. Baked goods are an exception. Leaving out the salt could affect the quality as well as the taste of the food.
Limit your use of sodium-laden condiments. Salad dressings, sauces, dips, ketchup, mustard and relish all contain sodium.
Use herbs, spices and other flavorings to enhance foods. Learn how to use fresh or dried herbs, spices, zest from citrus fruit and fruit juices to jazz up your meals.
Use salt substitutes wisely. Some salt substitutes or light salts contain a mixture of table salt (sodium chloride) and other compounds. To achieve that familiar salty taste, you may use too much of the substitute and actually not reduce your sodium intake. In addition, many salt substitutes contain potassium chloride. Though dietary potassium can lessen some of the harm of excess sodium, too much supplemental potassium can be harmful if you have kidney problems or if you're taking medications for congestive heart failure or high blood pressure that cause potassium retention.
Your taste for salt is acquired, so it's reversible. To unlearn this salty savoring, decrease your use of salt gradually and your taste buds will adjust. Most people find that after a few weeks of cutting their salt intake, they no longer miss it. Start by using no more than 1/4 teaspoon of added salt daily, then gradually reduce to no salt add-ons. As you use less salt, your preference for it lessens, allowing you to enjoy the taste of food itself.
the above is from:
Use Himalayan Salt
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Himalayan Salt and Valentine
Sitting down to write to you, I've just realized it's Valentines Day.
So I hope you're spending it with someone you love :)
Je suis desja d'amour tanné
Ma tres doulce Valentiné.
(Charles d'Orléans, Rondeau VI, lines 1-2)
Those words are the beginning of the earliest surviving valentine, which
is a fifteenth-century rondeau written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his
"valentined" wife.
At the time, the duke was being held in the Tower of London following
his capture at the Battle of Agincourt, 1415.
So if you want to be romantic, and surely you do, pen those beautiful
words onto a nice card and hand it over with a dozen red roses :)
And if you want to know what it means in English here's the translation
by my brilliant, Harvard educated, neighbor, Dr Susan Yates a specialist
in historical French literature.
"I'm driven mad by love
my sweet valentine"
At least I think it was a translation. She might just have been
whispering sweet nothings to me :)
So I hope you're spending it with someone you love :)
Je suis desja d'amour tanné
Ma tres doulce Valentiné.
(Charles d'Orléans, Rondeau VI, lines 1-2)
Those words are the beginning of the earliest surviving valentine, which
is a fifteenth-century rondeau written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his
"valentined" wife.
At the time, the duke was being held in the Tower of London following
his capture at the Battle of Agincourt, 1415.
So if you want to be romantic, and surely you do, pen those beautiful
words onto a nice card and hand it over with a dozen red roses :)
And if you want to know what it means in English here's the translation
by my brilliant, Harvard educated, neighbor, Dr Susan Yates a specialist
in historical French literature.
"I'm driven mad by love
my sweet valentine"
At least I think it was a translation. She might just have been
whispering sweet nothings to me :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Himalayan Salt has many benefits<
Himalayan Salt has many natural benefits
Regulating the water content throughout your body.
Promoting a healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells.
Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging.
Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body.
Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract.
Supporting respiratory health.
Promoting sinus health.
Prevention of muscle cramps.
Promoting bone strength.
Regulating your sleep -- it naturally promotes sleep.
Supporting your libido.
Promoting vascular health.
In conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure.
Regulating the water content throughout your body.
Promoting a healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells.
Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging.
Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body.
Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract.
Supporting respiratory health.
Promoting sinus health.
Prevention of muscle cramps.
Promoting bone strength.
Regulating your sleep -- it naturally promotes sleep.
Supporting your libido.
Promoting vascular health.
In conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure.
Monday, February 11, 2008
What Himalayan Salt can do for you
On the 6th of Feburary I put up the following post:
There are 5 reason to use natural himalayan salt, and they are: Internal Balance Stress Reduction Muscle Relaxation Healthier Home Happier Pets : To buy your own Himalayan Salt Visit:
Some body emailed in to say that it was a load of rubbish.....that there was no proof that Salt Lamps did any of those things.......well I never said that they did....if you read what is says Himalayan Salt.....not Salt Lamps.
There are 5 reason to use natural himalayan salt, and they are: Internal Balance Stress Reduction Muscle Relaxation Healthier Home Happier Pets : To buy your own Himalayan Salt Visit:
Some body emailed in to say that it was a load of rubbish.....that there was no proof that Salt Lamps did any of those things.......well I never said that they did....if you read what is says Himalayan Salt.....not Salt Lamps.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Health benefits of Himalayan Salt
After years of getting nowhere, people with health proplems who start to use Himalayan salt products, improve almost immediately on taking Himalayan salt products.
A Sinus problem that after a lifetime of misery and medication cleared up within a couple of weeks of drinking Sole every morning.
A woman called to say that within a month of taking the Himalayan salt she had become almost pain free from rheumatoid arthritis, but what had also surprised and delighted her was that her quite substantial cellulite deposits on her thighs were disappearing.
I also receive stories of blood pressure being normalised, stress being lowered, and enhanced feelings of general well being.People who bath their feet, being able to walk pain free.
Of course I knew it could do all these things, and so much more, but it really feels good when you know that you have made a difference to someone's health in a natural and life enhancing way.
Treating the cause, allowing the body to heal itself, rather than subjecting the body to the chemical poisons the doctors prescribe.
For those that really care about their health, it really is important that they put a little Himalayan salt in their life, and follow it up with some love, laughter, 8 glasses of water, a balanced diet.
A Sinus problem that after a lifetime of misery and medication cleared up within a couple of weeks of drinking Sole every morning.
A woman called to say that within a month of taking the Himalayan salt she had become almost pain free from rheumatoid arthritis, but what had also surprised and delighted her was that her quite substantial cellulite deposits on her thighs were disappearing.
I also receive stories of blood pressure being normalised, stress being lowered, and enhanced feelings of general well being.People who bath their feet, being able to walk pain free.
Of course I knew it could do all these things, and so much more, but it really feels good when you know that you have made a difference to someone's health in a natural and life enhancing way.
Treating the cause, allowing the body to heal itself, rather than subjecting the body to the chemical poisons the doctors prescribe.
For those that really care about their health, it really is important that they put a little Himalayan salt in their life, and follow it up with some love, laughter, 8 glasses of water, a balanced diet.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
5 reasons to use Himalayan Salt
There are 5 reason to use natural himalayan salt, and they are:
Internal Balance
Stress Reduction
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Sunday, February 3, 2008
Himalayan Salt and Ions
Learn how an abundance of healthy ions can have a positive effect
unique salt wellness products to feel better and live healthier:
Have you ever felt tired and uncomfortable inside a big office building? Or else, perhaps you remember feeling relaxed and energized standing near the ocean or by a waterfall.
There's a scientific reason for how you felt those days and it has nothing to do with work waiting to be done or the promise of a nice vacation.The air all around you is made up of molecules, all of which have an electrical charge on them.
Depending on how many electrons circle a molecule, everything in this world has either a positive charge or a negative charge. Inside buildings or inside closed vehicles, the molecules often have a positive charge. And unfortunately, most air-borne allergens and pollutants also have a positive charge. Out in nature, especially by water, the air molecules have a negative charge, which makes them nice to breathe and to be around.Negative ions are good for you! They bring oxygen to your brain, boost your immune system, and lift your mood. Studies show they even help lessen depression and cure Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
If you're indoors a lot of the time, you can get negative ions by buying a very beautiful salt crystal lamp.Positive ions get that way when a molecule loses an electron, mostly from sunlight, wind or changes in barometric pressure.
When air flows through heating or cooling ducts, it loses an electron and becomes positively charged, so that is why you may feel uncomfortable or tired in air-conditioned buildings. Synthetic materials and pollution do the same thing.However, negative ions get that way from picking up an extra charge of energy out in the environment, such as when water is falling or when lightning strikes.
So . . . negative ions can make you feel good, while positive ions can make you feel rotten. Some people are more sensitive to others to the energy in the air, but just about everybody feels it.Negative ions have a good track record.
In a recent study, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture tested ionized air and found that floating dust reduced by over half, while airborne bacteria was virtually eliminated, probably because the bacteria attaches itself to dust particles. One research group has even found them to kill germs!
They have been shown to help relieve hay fever, migraine and burn and post-operative pain. Once you experience how good you feel with lots of negative ions around, you'll want to have them all the time!visit
unique salt wellness products to feel better and live healthier:
Have you ever felt tired and uncomfortable inside a big office building? Or else, perhaps you remember feeling relaxed and energized standing near the ocean or by a waterfall.
There's a scientific reason for how you felt those days and it has nothing to do with work waiting to be done or the promise of a nice vacation.The air all around you is made up of molecules, all of which have an electrical charge on them.
Depending on how many electrons circle a molecule, everything in this world has either a positive charge or a negative charge. Inside buildings or inside closed vehicles, the molecules often have a positive charge. And unfortunately, most air-borne allergens and pollutants also have a positive charge. Out in nature, especially by water, the air molecules have a negative charge, which makes them nice to breathe and to be around.Negative ions are good for you! They bring oxygen to your brain, boost your immune system, and lift your mood. Studies show they even help lessen depression and cure Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
If you're indoors a lot of the time, you can get negative ions by buying a very beautiful salt crystal lamp.Positive ions get that way when a molecule loses an electron, mostly from sunlight, wind or changes in barometric pressure.
When air flows through heating or cooling ducts, it loses an electron and becomes positively charged, so that is why you may feel uncomfortable or tired in air-conditioned buildings. Synthetic materials and pollution do the same thing.However, negative ions get that way from picking up an extra charge of energy out in the environment, such as when water is falling or when lightning strikes.
So . . . negative ions can make you feel good, while positive ions can make you feel rotten. Some people are more sensitive to others to the energy in the air, but just about everybody feels it.Negative ions have a good track record.
In a recent study, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture tested ionized air and found that floating dust reduced by over half, while airborne bacteria was virtually eliminated, probably because the bacteria attaches itself to dust particles. One research group has even found them to kill germs!
They have been shown to help relieve hay fever, migraine and burn and post-operative pain. Once you experience how good you feel with lots of negative ions around, you'll want to have them all the time!visit
Friday, February 1, 2008
Fast Relief with a salt lamp.
Many people have found fast relief from these salt lamps. They are affordable for most individuals.Just think of all the manmade inventions that cause pollution to our earth. Besides the pollution you can see, there's more that your body can feel such as positive ions, incredibly high frequencies and unnatural lighting.You can fight back and help balance your own little world by making it more natural. One of your tools could be these Himalayan salt rock crystal lamps.
To buy yours
To buy yours
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Himalayan Salt and the main thing:
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing: but the question is what is the main answer that and you get every thing is different for each of us.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Salt lamps and flowers
A few thoughts on flowers and Asthma:
Flowers are beautiful. They brighten up a room and make everything in it seem more beautiful, more cheerful. For most people a vase of flowers on the table signifies that that room is a happy one, a comfortable place to be. For allergy sufferers, however, a vase of flowers is far from inviting- it's treacherous. If you're one of those unlucky people who enjoys fresh flowers but has to consider the effect they'll have on your allergies, plastic flowers are not your only option. You just have to know which types of flowers are dangerous. Of the huge variety of flowers that you can plant or buy, many types of flowers will affect your allergies very little- or even not at all.
Dangerous Flowers for Allergy Sufferers: Truth is, if your allergies are particularly severe, most flowers are going to affect you negatively. In general, the more dangerous flowers are the ones with more pollen. So a good guideline when decorating with flowers to avoid those ones that have visible pollen. One type of flower that is particularly bad for allergy sufferers is tree flowers. If creating a flower arrangement, be careful not to include almond, cherry, orange, or any other kind of tree blossom. Though they are beautiful flowers, they're some of the most powerfully allergy-causing.
Lilies are some of the more dangerous flowers for allergy sufferers, as parts of them are covered in powdery orange pollen. Strangely enough, however, they can be a good choice for allergy sufferers, as it's easy to simply remove the stems of pollen from each flower. Just have a non-allergic friend or family member do this particular job, as it will probably have you sneezing in two seconds flat.
Good Flowers for Allergy Sufferers: There are several types of flowers that will affect allergy suffers less. One of these is possibly mums and daisies. While regular mums and daisies do have lots of pollen, an new hybrid type of daisy, called formal doubles, that do not have any pollen at all, and therefore won't aggravate allergies. Forma double flowers were bred so that the parts of the flower that used to produce pollen now produce petals. Watch out for regular mums and daisies, however, as they can be highly allergic. If in doubt, ask your florist.
Another great choice for the allergy sufferer is roses. Roses are some of the most beautiful and elegant flower you can find, and fortunately for allergy sufferers, they don't have much effect on allergies. The reason for this is that their pollen is too large in size to be able to become airborne and truly infiltrate the respiratory system. If in doubt, choose roses with little or no smell- the less smell, the less pollen. Last but not least, one of the best kinds of flowers for allergy sufferers are orchids. Orchids are gorgeous and exotic flowers that come in an amazing variety of shapes and colors. Very few types of orchids cause any pollen-related allergies, and so are quite safe for those allergic to most flowers. It is important to note, though, that some orchids may cause a slight skin rash on sensitive individuals.
If you find flowers differcult then try one of our salt lamps in your room.
Flowers are beautiful. They brighten up a room and make everything in it seem more beautiful, more cheerful. For most people a vase of flowers on the table signifies that that room is a happy one, a comfortable place to be. For allergy sufferers, however, a vase of flowers is far from inviting- it's treacherous. If you're one of those unlucky people who enjoys fresh flowers but has to consider the effect they'll have on your allergies, plastic flowers are not your only option. You just have to know which types of flowers are dangerous. Of the huge variety of flowers that you can plant or buy, many types of flowers will affect your allergies very little- or even not at all.
Dangerous Flowers for Allergy Sufferers: Truth is, if your allergies are particularly severe, most flowers are going to affect you negatively. In general, the more dangerous flowers are the ones with more pollen. So a good guideline when decorating with flowers to avoid those ones that have visible pollen. One type of flower that is particularly bad for allergy sufferers is tree flowers. If creating a flower arrangement, be careful not to include almond, cherry, orange, or any other kind of tree blossom. Though they are beautiful flowers, they're some of the most powerfully allergy-causing.
Lilies are some of the more dangerous flowers for allergy sufferers, as parts of them are covered in powdery orange pollen. Strangely enough, however, they can be a good choice for allergy sufferers, as it's easy to simply remove the stems of pollen from each flower. Just have a non-allergic friend or family member do this particular job, as it will probably have you sneezing in two seconds flat.
Good Flowers for Allergy Sufferers: There are several types of flowers that will affect allergy suffers less. One of these is possibly mums and daisies. While regular mums and daisies do have lots of pollen, an new hybrid type of daisy, called formal doubles, that do not have any pollen at all, and therefore won't aggravate allergies. Forma double flowers were bred so that the parts of the flower that used to produce pollen now produce petals. Watch out for regular mums and daisies, however, as they can be highly allergic. If in doubt, ask your florist.
Another great choice for the allergy sufferer is roses. Roses are some of the most beautiful and elegant flower you can find, and fortunately for allergy sufferers, they don't have much effect on allergies. The reason for this is that their pollen is too large in size to be able to become airborne and truly infiltrate the respiratory system. If in doubt, choose roses with little or no smell- the less smell, the less pollen. Last but not least, one of the best kinds of flowers for allergy sufferers are orchids. Orchids are gorgeous and exotic flowers that come in an amazing variety of shapes and colors. Very few types of orchids cause any pollen-related allergies, and so are quite safe for those allergic to most flowers. It is important to note, though, that some orchids may cause a slight skin rash on sensitive individuals.
If you find flowers differcult then try one of our salt lamps in your room.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Himalayan Salt for Arthritis
Manerals can have a alkalising effect on the body. Natural health practitioners such as Louise Hay have obaserved that this has an anti-inflammatory effect, easing painful conditions such as arthritis.
visit to buy your Himalayan salt
visit to buy your Himalayan salt
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Himalayan Salt and PMS
Mineral rich salts can help ease PMS in two ways.
The muscle relaxing effects of magnesium combined with potassium which helps the body get rid of excess water: which then
can ease water retention and relieve musculas tension.
Buy your salt here:
The muscle relaxing effects of magnesium combined with potassium which helps the body get rid of excess water: which then
can ease water retention and relieve musculas tension.
Buy your salt here:
Monday, January 21, 2008
Salt lamps and Asthma Symptoms
It is good to get asthma information on the symptoms involved with asthma, this can help you to catch it early by recognizing any symptoms you may have. Some symptoms of asthma can include; violent coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and rapid breathing.
Asthma is caused by inflamation of the lungs, which makes the air ways shrink and in some cases close completely, this is why it is so important to caring an inhaler, they are carefully designed to help prevent an attack if you feel one coming on, and if you are experiencing an asthma attack this handy little gadget may very well save your life. Doctors can provide you with a lot of asthma information, which can also help you if you have already been diagnosed so never forget to talk to your doctor about asthma and the effects it has on your body, knowing the right asthma information can save your life as well so arm yourself with knowledge, but do not be afraid, asthma is a manageable disease that should not be feared as long as you have followed the proper asthma information. Asthma can be triggered by allergies to things such as pollen, dust, pet dander, all of these play a key role in asthma, some doctors even recommend certain allergy medicines that can help prevent an attack, after all eliminating the cause of the attack, eliminates the attack itself.
try a Salt Lamp in your childs bedroom, read about them here:
Asthma is caused by inflamation of the lungs, which makes the air ways shrink and in some cases close completely, this is why it is so important to caring an inhaler, they are carefully designed to help prevent an attack if you feel one coming on, and if you are experiencing an asthma attack this handy little gadget may very well save your life. Doctors can provide you with a lot of asthma information, which can also help you if you have already been diagnosed so never forget to talk to your doctor about asthma and the effects it has on your body, knowing the right asthma information can save your life as well so arm yourself with knowledge, but do not be afraid, asthma is a manageable disease that should not be feared as long as you have followed the proper asthma information. Asthma can be triggered by allergies to things such as pollen, dust, pet dander, all of these play a key role in asthma, some doctors even recommend certain allergy medicines that can help prevent an attack, after all eliminating the cause of the attack, eliminates the attack itself.
try a Salt Lamp in your childs bedroom, read about them here:
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Himalayan Salt Pipes for Asthma
Clinical Tests have proved the effects of the Salt Pipe:
Gives significant improvements in Forced Expiratory Volume during the first second
Mucus becomes thinner thus easier expectoration
Night suffocation and coughing is reduced or prevented completely
Easier breathing
The salt pipe is a new invention & is proving to work so well on many users for asthma, allergies, hay fever, bronchitis, chronic coughing, sleeping problems, snoring, respiratory disorders & more. A 100% natural device with no side effects and safe to use.
We would recommend it to anyone needing help with asthma & other respiratory problems. Just a few puffs a day and the benefits are felt by users almost immediately.
Why buy a salt pipe?
One off small cost
No pills to stomach
Works almost immediately
Alternative health product which has already worked for many users
Easy to use
Lasts up to 5 years from using approx 15-20 minutes daily
The Salt pipe is the modern way to experience salt therapy and has no known side effects.
For centuries, salts have been used as folk remedies by many different cultures in regions around the World. Today people suffering from respiratory disorders travel to curative mines such as Wieliczka in Poland, Hallein in Austria or Praid in Romania and the hiimalayas. Or they visit seaside locations for the salty air. Healing therapies using salt to ease respiratory problems may involve inhaling salt brine vapour, gargling with brine or using rock salt combined with essential oils for inhalation. Rock salt is available at http://www.crystalrocksaltlamp for use as an aid to easing respiratory problems.
Now you can achieve the benefits of salt therapy easily, simply and from the comfort of your own home.
The clinically tested salt pipe is a handy porcelain pipe filled with salt crystals from the Transylvanian Praid salt mine. Its salty microclimate calms and cleanses the cells of the respiratory system. When using the pipe, the moisture of the passing air absorbs the micron sized particles of the salt, then penetrates into your respiratory system to achieve the beneficial effects. The sodium content of the active ingredient induces natural self-cleansing mechanisms that flush away the impurities from the surface of the cells. Salt particles also mechanically clean the air passages.
Just a few minutes or regular daily use can be of major benefit not only to asthma, hay fever and allergy sufferers, smokers and snorers but can also help overcome stuffiness, persistent coughing, shortness of breath, and wheeziness during colds, flu and other infections and neutralise the daily damaging effects of air pollution, dust, smog, fog and secondary cigarette smoke.
Many people ask us if it ok with high blood pressure as salt isn't known to be a good thing to take with high blood pressure, answer is fine, just like gargling with salt helps a sore throat, salt can be good for you, the same principal applies.
To buy yours
Gives significant improvements in Forced Expiratory Volume during the first second
Mucus becomes thinner thus easier expectoration
Night suffocation and coughing is reduced or prevented completely
Easier breathing
The salt pipe is a new invention & is proving to work so well on many users for asthma, allergies, hay fever, bronchitis, chronic coughing, sleeping problems, snoring, respiratory disorders & more. A 100% natural device with no side effects and safe to use.
We would recommend it to anyone needing help with asthma & other respiratory problems. Just a few puffs a day and the benefits are felt by users almost immediately.
Why buy a salt pipe?
One off small cost
No pills to stomach
Works almost immediately
Alternative health product which has already worked for many users
Easy to use
Lasts up to 5 years from using approx 15-20 minutes daily
The Salt pipe is the modern way to experience salt therapy and has no known side effects.
For centuries, salts have been used as folk remedies by many different cultures in regions around the World. Today people suffering from respiratory disorders travel to curative mines such as Wieliczka in Poland, Hallein in Austria or Praid in Romania and the hiimalayas. Or they visit seaside locations for the salty air. Healing therapies using salt to ease respiratory problems may involve inhaling salt brine vapour, gargling with brine or using rock salt combined with essential oils for inhalation. Rock salt is available at http://www.crystalrocksaltlamp for use as an aid to easing respiratory problems.
Now you can achieve the benefits of salt therapy easily, simply and from the comfort of your own home.
The clinically tested salt pipe is a handy porcelain pipe filled with salt crystals from the Transylvanian Praid salt mine. Its salty microclimate calms and cleanses the cells of the respiratory system. When using the pipe, the moisture of the passing air absorbs the micron sized particles of the salt, then penetrates into your respiratory system to achieve the beneficial effects. The sodium content of the active ingredient induces natural self-cleansing mechanisms that flush away the impurities from the surface of the cells. Salt particles also mechanically clean the air passages.
Just a few minutes or regular daily use can be of major benefit not only to asthma, hay fever and allergy sufferers, smokers and snorers but can also help overcome stuffiness, persistent coughing, shortness of breath, and wheeziness during colds, flu and other infections and neutralise the daily damaging effects of air pollution, dust, smog, fog and secondary cigarette smoke.
Many people ask us if it ok with high blood pressure as salt isn't known to be a good thing to take with high blood pressure, answer is fine, just like gargling with salt helps a sore throat, salt can be good for you, the same principal applies.
To buy yours
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
What colour your Salt lamp
Salt in its purest form is white. Salt from the Himalayas varies in color from pure white to deep red, with every shade of pink and peach in between. This coloration is caused by iron infused within the salt crystals: the redder the salt, the higher the iron content. The most prized of these colors is a medium peach or pink and it is the color most sought after by the top manufacturers. There are a few reasons for this:
White Salt Lamps can be very beautiful. Unfortunately, they are also very brittle. So fragile that the slightest shock can shatter them, much like glass. On a positive note, their color can be changed simply by using a colored light bulb. This can also be done with a very light pink lamp and, for durability, we recommend that you purchase a light pink salt lamp rather than a pure white one.
We have seen Red Salt Lamps sold as a highly prized, rare commodity. Unfortunately, many buyers have been disappointed upon receiving these "treasures". Often a dark red salt lamp will emit very little light, regardless of the wattage of the bulb used. The high iron content blocks the light from penetrating the salt. If you prefer a darker salt lamp, we recommend that you choose one in a very dark pink rather than red.
Pink and Peach Salt Lamps offer the optimum combination of beauty, light and durability. A large range of shades are available, all of which are very beautiful.
If you have a particular color preference, contact your seller prior to purchasing your salt lamp. While a seller is limited by their current stock availability, they may be able to accommodate your color preference.
If your would like to buy a salt lamp visit: on this site you can choose your colour preference at the end of the order form and we will match it
White Salt Lamps can be very beautiful. Unfortunately, they are also very brittle. So fragile that the slightest shock can shatter them, much like glass. On a positive note, their color can be changed simply by using a colored light bulb. This can also be done with a very light pink lamp and, for durability, we recommend that you purchase a light pink salt lamp rather than a pure white one.
We have seen Red Salt Lamps sold as a highly prized, rare commodity. Unfortunately, many buyers have been disappointed upon receiving these "treasures". Often a dark red salt lamp will emit very little light, regardless of the wattage of the bulb used. The high iron content blocks the light from penetrating the salt. If you prefer a darker salt lamp, we recommend that you choose one in a very dark pink rather than red.
Pink and Peach Salt Lamps offer the optimum combination of beauty, light and durability. A large range of shades are available, all of which are very beautiful.
If you have a particular color preference, contact your seller prior to purchasing your salt lamp. While a seller is limited by their current stock availability, they may be able to accommodate your color preference.
If your would like to buy a salt lamp visit: on this site you can choose your colour preference at the end of the order form and we will match it
Monday, January 14, 2008
Salt lamps and your childs sleep.
Parenting Advice: Helping Your Child Sleep
By: Dr. Noel Swanson
In order for us to get restful sleep, we need to be relaxed. In order to relax, a number of things have to happen. First of all, we need to feel safe and secure. Obviously, if there is tension in the house - abuse, parents rowing, problems with finances or neighbours, or else problems at school or with friends, it will be much harder to relax and fall asleep.
We also need to feel secure and safe in the bed. Some children with sensory integration difficulties, such as problems with touch sensitivity, body position sense (proprioception), or gravitational insecurity may find lying down on a high bed difficult. Such children may be helped by having heavy blankets that help them to feel more grounded.
To sleep, we then need to turn our minds off the business of the day, shut out the distractions of the environment and slow down our heart rate and metabolism. As we drift into sleep, not only does the body slow down, so too does the brain. Brain waves, which are often running along at 14 Hertz (cycles per second) or more during the day, will slow down first to an "alpha" rhythm (around 10 Hz) and then gradually right down to the deep sleep of a "delta" rhythm (4-7 Hz).
Everyone has to quiet their minds before they can fall asleep. It isn't always easy, but we need to learn how to let go of what happened during the day, close our ears and minds to any environmental distractions, and slow our heart rates and metabolism. During the day our brainwaves run at 14 Hertz, or cycles per second. They may even cycle higher. When we fall asleep the brain and body both slow down. During the first stage of sleep our brainwaves slow to an "alpha" rhythm of about 10 Hz. During deep or "delta" sleep we are running at 4 to 7 Hz.
Some ways to help sleep come more easily, are keeping to a set routine and creating a comfortable environment. Following these suggestions help our bodies pick up signals letting it know that it's time to slow down and go to sleep. Here are some helpful ideas for getting there:
A bedtime story. This helps to push out the anxieties of the day, whilst also giving the child some special one-to-one attention. The child feels loved and valued, and therefore safe and secure. This can be followed by a recorded tape story, to which the child can listen with eyes closed and in a darkened room. But pick a story that is calming, not frightening!
Relaxing music. Unlike the eyes, we cannot close our ears. The sounds and noises of our environment are constantly entering into our system. Most of them tend to wake us up and increase stress. This is particularly true of sudden and unexpected noises, such as a dog barking, a fox howling, of a heavy lorry passing by. While we cannot shut our ears, we can modify the sounds around us. First of all is to make the room as quiet as possible. Often there is not much that you can do about this, but certainly heavy curtains, double glazing, and closed doors can all help.
Secondly, we can introduce sounds that help to shut out the wrong noises, and that also help us to relax. White noise, such as that produced by a fan or a humidifier does help to drown out the lorries and the barking dogs. So does a radio playing quietly in the background. Unfortunately, these sounds in themselves tend to be arousing and stressful rather than relaxing. This is to do with two factors: pitch and beat. High frequencies sounds are energising, whilst low frequencies are relaxing. White noise is fairly high frequency, as is most music played on the radio - especially if played through a cheaper system with a poor bass response. Also, most popular music has a fast beat. Disco music is the most obvious example of this. No doubt at times you have found yourself tapping or nodding in time with the beat of some catchy music. This is called "entrainment", and describe the fact that our bodies like to align themselves with the rhythms around us. Our heart rates do the same - in general, as you listen to fast music or a fast beat (such as with rap music), your heart rate will speed up; when you listen to slow music, it slows down.
For sleep, we need to listen to low pitched sounds with a slow rhythm. We should try for a beat of 50 to 60 Hz, the rate or our resting hearts. Where do we find these sounds? Some classical music and some nature sounds qualify. I recommend recordings made specially for relaxation. Some of the best are made by Steven Halpern. The Sound Health Series CDs, called "Relax" and "De-Stress" are great. Play them quietly as background noise to drown out the dogs and to create a peaceful environment in the child's bedroom. If he wakes often during the night, consider playing continuous-play CD.
Colour and Light. Not only are our bodies and minds sensitive to the frequencies and rhythms or sounds, we are also profoundly affected by light and colour. This is well know by supermarkets and football teams! The supermarkets use green/blue tinged lights to make the vegetables look greener and fresher, but red tinged light on their meat counters. This is done very subtly, but very effectively. The colours on the product packaging are equally carefully chosen and designed to motivate you to buy. The stores are brightly lit, and may have "muzak" playing. All of this is done to make you feel up-beat and comfortable. The longer you stay, the more you will spend. Contrast that with some dingy shops that you know. In the same way, some football clubs will paint their changing rooms in different colours - red for the home team, as it is activating and arousing; and blue for the away team, as it is relaxing and calming.
Blue is for serenity, green for harmony and peace, pink instills warmth and cosiness. All of these, especially if in muted tints, are ideal of bedrooms, although blue and green may produce too cold an atmosphere. On the other hand bright and vibrant colours such as yellows and reds will rev us up and keep us awake. The effects are subtle and certainly not conscious, but even so are very real.
The lighting is also important. Not surprisingly, bright lights keep us awake. So too, does light with a "cold" or bluish tinge - such as from fluorescent lights. This is, after all, the lighting of the early morning sun. On the other hand, the twilight sun is full of warm shades of orange and red. So the light from a dim bulb or, better still, from a candle, oil lamp, or natural fire, will be much more relaxing. Combine these with pink furnishings, soft slow music, the sound of waves on the beach ....
There is one other feature of natural flames that makes it so relaxing - it flickers. Typically, in fact, if flickers at a rate of about 6-7 Hz. The brain tends to entrain to this frequency, which produces the very relaxed state of "theta wave" activity.
How do we get around not putting a candle, oil light or open fire in a child's bedroom? One way is to use electric bulbs that flicker. There are also fiber optic lamps available that create a low level light, changing from one colour to another. The slow, gentle changes are relaxing, assuming that they aren't too bright. Some children like to sleep in a completely dark room. This is when the thick curtains will come in handy to screen out late night and early morning summer sun.
Since it's pretty unlikely that a parent would wish to put candles or oil lamps in a child's room, there are other options to consider. You can find fiber optic lamps that are very relaxing, even if they don't flicker as low as 7 Hz. They do, however, change colour slowly and the level of light is very low. The changing colours and soft light are so calming that they should be very helpful in getting your child off to sleep. Also available are lights that flicker so as to resemble a small flame. There are some children who prefer to sleep in a totally darkened room. If this is the case in your family, consider the heavy curtains that block twilight and early morning sun.
We often close our windows in winter and leave the heat on. This cuts down on outside noises, but also keeps out fresh air. The heat dries out the air as well, in turn drying out our nasal passages. When we have stuffy noses and air, we will usually sleep poorly. Even opening the window a crack will help.
Not having some fresh air to breathe at night can be interrupting to sleep. Think about opening a window, even if it's just a tiny bit. Too many people close all the windows and leave the heat running at night. Not only does it get close and too warm, lack of humidity dries out nasal passages. When we are uncomfortable, especially when it comes to breathing, we tend to sleep poorly and awaken often.
Waking during the night. It is normal to wake or almost wake several times during the night. The trick is to get back to sleep again. All of the above will increase the chances of this. Along with this it is important not to reinforce a behavior pattern of waking up during the night by giving it a lot of attention. Infants and young children especially will often cry or make other noises when they wake. Do not immediately rush in to comfort them - this will only wake them up more, and reinforce the pattern of waking in the night. If you leave them alone, most will gradually settle and go back to sleep by themselves. Initially this may take some time, as they are used to getting your attention, but gradually, if you stay firm, this period of time will get shorter.
Of course these are a million other ways to help your child to sleep. Feel free to experiment to find what works for you.
I wish you peaceful nights and happy dreams.
Article Source:
For more parenting advice by author Dr. Noel Swanson, why not visit his parenting advice website and get his free newsletter?
To help get your child to sleep....try one of our Salt Lamps....take a look at the link below
By: Dr. Noel Swanson
In order for us to get restful sleep, we need to be relaxed. In order to relax, a number of things have to happen. First of all, we need to feel safe and secure. Obviously, if there is tension in the house - abuse, parents rowing, problems with finances or neighbours, or else problems at school or with friends, it will be much harder to relax and fall asleep.
We also need to feel secure and safe in the bed. Some children with sensory integration difficulties, such as problems with touch sensitivity, body position sense (proprioception), or gravitational insecurity may find lying down on a high bed difficult. Such children may be helped by having heavy blankets that help them to feel more grounded.
To sleep, we then need to turn our minds off the business of the day, shut out the distractions of the environment and slow down our heart rate and metabolism. As we drift into sleep, not only does the body slow down, so too does the brain. Brain waves, which are often running along at 14 Hertz (cycles per second) or more during the day, will slow down first to an "alpha" rhythm (around 10 Hz) and then gradually right down to the deep sleep of a "delta" rhythm (4-7 Hz).
Everyone has to quiet their minds before they can fall asleep. It isn't always easy, but we need to learn how to let go of what happened during the day, close our ears and minds to any environmental distractions, and slow our heart rates and metabolism. During the day our brainwaves run at 14 Hertz, or cycles per second. They may even cycle higher. When we fall asleep the brain and body both slow down. During the first stage of sleep our brainwaves slow to an "alpha" rhythm of about 10 Hz. During deep or "delta" sleep we are running at 4 to 7 Hz.
Some ways to help sleep come more easily, are keeping to a set routine and creating a comfortable environment. Following these suggestions help our bodies pick up signals letting it know that it's time to slow down and go to sleep. Here are some helpful ideas for getting there:
A bedtime story. This helps to push out the anxieties of the day, whilst also giving the child some special one-to-one attention. The child feels loved and valued, and therefore safe and secure. This can be followed by a recorded tape story, to which the child can listen with eyes closed and in a darkened room. But pick a story that is calming, not frightening!
Relaxing music. Unlike the eyes, we cannot close our ears. The sounds and noises of our environment are constantly entering into our system. Most of them tend to wake us up and increase stress. This is particularly true of sudden and unexpected noises, such as a dog barking, a fox howling, of a heavy lorry passing by. While we cannot shut our ears, we can modify the sounds around us. First of all is to make the room as quiet as possible. Often there is not much that you can do about this, but certainly heavy curtains, double glazing, and closed doors can all help.
Secondly, we can introduce sounds that help to shut out the wrong noises, and that also help us to relax. White noise, such as that produced by a fan or a humidifier does help to drown out the lorries and the barking dogs. So does a radio playing quietly in the background. Unfortunately, these sounds in themselves tend to be arousing and stressful rather than relaxing. This is to do with two factors: pitch and beat. High frequencies sounds are energising, whilst low frequencies are relaxing. White noise is fairly high frequency, as is most music played on the radio - especially if played through a cheaper system with a poor bass response. Also, most popular music has a fast beat. Disco music is the most obvious example of this. No doubt at times you have found yourself tapping or nodding in time with the beat of some catchy music. This is called "entrainment", and describe the fact that our bodies like to align themselves with the rhythms around us. Our heart rates do the same - in general, as you listen to fast music or a fast beat (such as with rap music), your heart rate will speed up; when you listen to slow music, it slows down.
For sleep, we need to listen to low pitched sounds with a slow rhythm. We should try for a beat of 50 to 60 Hz, the rate or our resting hearts. Where do we find these sounds? Some classical music and some nature sounds qualify. I recommend recordings made specially for relaxation. Some of the best are made by Steven Halpern. The Sound Health Series CDs, called "Relax" and "De-Stress" are great. Play them quietly as background noise to drown out the dogs and to create a peaceful environment in the child's bedroom. If he wakes often during the night, consider playing continuous-play CD.
Colour and Light. Not only are our bodies and minds sensitive to the frequencies and rhythms or sounds, we are also profoundly affected by light and colour. This is well know by supermarkets and football teams! The supermarkets use green/blue tinged lights to make the vegetables look greener and fresher, but red tinged light on their meat counters. This is done very subtly, but very effectively. The colours on the product packaging are equally carefully chosen and designed to motivate you to buy. The stores are brightly lit, and may have "muzak" playing. All of this is done to make you feel up-beat and comfortable. The longer you stay, the more you will spend. Contrast that with some dingy shops that you know. In the same way, some football clubs will paint their changing rooms in different colours - red for the home team, as it is activating and arousing; and blue for the away team, as it is relaxing and calming.
Blue is for serenity, green for harmony and peace, pink instills warmth and cosiness. All of these, especially if in muted tints, are ideal of bedrooms, although blue and green may produce too cold an atmosphere. On the other hand bright and vibrant colours such as yellows and reds will rev us up and keep us awake. The effects are subtle and certainly not conscious, but even so are very real.
The lighting is also important. Not surprisingly, bright lights keep us awake. So too, does light with a "cold" or bluish tinge - such as from fluorescent lights. This is, after all, the lighting of the early morning sun. On the other hand, the twilight sun is full of warm shades of orange and red. So the light from a dim bulb or, better still, from a candle, oil lamp, or natural fire, will be much more relaxing. Combine these with pink furnishings, soft slow music, the sound of waves on the beach ....
There is one other feature of natural flames that makes it so relaxing - it flickers. Typically, in fact, if flickers at a rate of about 6-7 Hz. The brain tends to entrain to this frequency, which produces the very relaxed state of "theta wave" activity.
How do we get around not putting a candle, oil light or open fire in a child's bedroom? One way is to use electric bulbs that flicker. There are also fiber optic lamps available that create a low level light, changing from one colour to another. The slow, gentle changes are relaxing, assuming that they aren't too bright. Some children like to sleep in a completely dark room. This is when the thick curtains will come in handy to screen out late night and early morning summer sun.
Since it's pretty unlikely that a parent would wish to put candles or oil lamps in a child's room, there are other options to consider. You can find fiber optic lamps that are very relaxing, even if they don't flicker as low as 7 Hz. They do, however, change colour slowly and the level of light is very low. The changing colours and soft light are so calming that they should be very helpful in getting your child off to sleep. Also available are lights that flicker so as to resemble a small flame. There are some children who prefer to sleep in a totally darkened room. If this is the case in your family, consider the heavy curtains that block twilight and early morning sun.
We often close our windows in winter and leave the heat on. This cuts down on outside noises, but also keeps out fresh air. The heat dries out the air as well, in turn drying out our nasal passages. When we have stuffy noses and air, we will usually sleep poorly. Even opening the window a crack will help.
Not having some fresh air to breathe at night can be interrupting to sleep. Think about opening a window, even if it's just a tiny bit. Too many people close all the windows and leave the heat running at night. Not only does it get close and too warm, lack of humidity dries out nasal passages. When we are uncomfortable, especially when it comes to breathing, we tend to sleep poorly and awaken often.
Waking during the night. It is normal to wake or almost wake several times during the night. The trick is to get back to sleep again. All of the above will increase the chances of this. Along with this it is important not to reinforce a behavior pattern of waking up during the night by giving it a lot of attention. Infants and young children especially will often cry or make other noises when they wake. Do not immediately rush in to comfort them - this will only wake them up more, and reinforce the pattern of waking in the night. If you leave them alone, most will gradually settle and go back to sleep by themselves. Initially this may take some time, as they are used to getting your attention, but gradually, if you stay firm, this period of time will get shorter.
Of course these are a million other ways to help your child to sleep. Feel free to experiment to find what works for you.
I wish you peaceful nights and happy dreams.
Article Source:
For more parenting advice by author Dr. Noel Swanson, why not visit his parenting advice website and get his free newsletter?
To help get your child to sleep....try one of our Salt Lamps....take a look at the link below
Friday, January 11, 2008
Himalayan Salt Lamp Review:
On the day that Sir Edmund Hillary dies is a good day to review Himalayan Salt lamps.The Everest conqueror was a great man and one of my heroes. I met him once when I was a child in Folkestone.
Himalayan Salt Lamps are very odd things to won.Each one is unique piece of art work and has the appearance the rock itself with a milky pink color to it. Add the electric bulb inside (a decent sized one in mine but apparently random according to the other reviews) and that milky pink turns into a shadowy red that looks great in the evening. Very unique lighting as 2-3 of these lights a room well enough for activity but dark enough for that special dinner party.The Salt Lamp is a light source that makes a beautiful light and is all-natural product deep from the bowels of the earth.
Buy our Little and Large Salt lamps for $66(£55). saving you $10(£10) with free USPS shipping.
Himalayan Salt Lamps are very odd things to won.Each one is unique piece of art work and has the appearance the rock itself with a milky pink color to it. Add the electric bulb inside (a decent sized one in mine but apparently random according to the other reviews) and that milky pink turns into a shadowy red that looks great in the evening. Very unique lighting as 2-3 of these lights a room well enough for activity but dark enough for that special dinner party.The Salt Lamp is a light source that makes a beautiful light and is all-natural product deep from the bowels of the earth.
Buy our Little and Large Salt lamps for $66(£55). saving you $10(£10) with free USPS shipping.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Salt lamps and Asthma Symptoms
Common Asthma Symptoms
1. Coughing.
2. Wheezing.
3. Shortness of breath.
4. Episodes of wheezy problems in breathing.
5. Faster breathing or loud breathing.
6. Narrowing of the air passages in the lungs and thus increased obstruction to airflow.
7. Frequent happening of allergy
8. Inflammation of the air passages, characterised by eosinophils in the airway wall
9. Bronchial hyper-responsiveness to non-specific stimuli such as chill air or histamine.
10. Wheezing when they have a cold or other disorder
11. Frequent coughing, specially at night.
12. Coughing or wheezing brought on by prolonged crying or laughing.
Try one of our Salt Lamps in your childs bedroom...visit
1. Coughing.
2. Wheezing.
3. Shortness of breath.
4. Episodes of wheezy problems in breathing.
5. Faster breathing or loud breathing.
6. Narrowing of the air passages in the lungs and thus increased obstruction to airflow.
7. Frequent happening of allergy
8. Inflammation of the air passages, characterised by eosinophils in the airway wall
9. Bronchial hyper-responsiveness to non-specific stimuli such as chill air or histamine.
10. Wheezing when they have a cold or other disorder
11. Frequent coughing, specially at night.
12. Coughing or wheezing brought on by prolonged crying or laughing.
Try one of our Salt Lamps in your childs bedroom...visit
Monday, January 7, 2008
natural remedy Salt Lamps
Salt Lamps Your Salvation From Respiratory Irritation
by Richard Haigh
Having a quality home air purifier is important these days, especially if you, or someone in your family, has asthma, allergies, or other respiratory disorders. If you like to have natural technology then a salt lamp might be a good choice as an air purification for your home.
A Salt Lamp is the natural choice for a air purifier.There is a lot of technology for air purification existing today, many of them have made some advancements in design and had the marketing muscle to make it their air purifiers a household name in no time.
All these air purifier systems, which have been introduced,use filters and such to remove particulates from the air as the main way.Salt lamps attract impurities from the air naturally,instead of using technology. Another difference between salt lamps and other air purifier technology is that there are no fans to circulate the air, but instead "pull" air natural. This means Salt Lamps are virtually silently to operate,so they can run continuously without adding to the noise level in the home, and without causing any interference with sleep.
Because of the lack of fans in Salt Lamps they are also extremely energy efficient, using much less electricity to operate on a daily basis than their counterparts with blowers. This helps to greatly lower the cost of operating a Salt Lamp, and since air purifiers must be run everyday around the clock, this can add up to significant savings over the course of a year.
Another area of saving is the lack of filters. With other air purifiers, the filters must be replaced on a regular basis in order to maintain a high level of efficiency and effectiveness in pulling the dangerous pollutants from the air. This cost can add up greatly over the life of the machine.
You will be able to enjoy the highest level of efficiency from your Salt Lamp if you make sure that the doors and windows in the home are kept closed. Doing this will allow the air cleaner to remove the particulates in the home without constantly introducing new contaminants into the environment.
None of the above can be backed up by "science" and a lot of people will dispute this claim about the effeteness of Salt Lamps as salvation from respiratory irritation.All I can say is that; for myself who coughs a lot: when I am in my house ( which is full of Salt Lamps ) I feel wonderful and do not cough at-all.
Go to the places where they work in the mines ( or read about it on the Net )and you will find that the people there do not have asthma or any such.
seeour January Sale of Salt Lamps at:
by Richard Haigh
Having a quality home air purifier is important these days, especially if you, or someone in your family, has asthma, allergies, or other respiratory disorders. If you like to have natural technology then a salt lamp might be a good choice as an air purification for your home.
A Salt Lamp is the natural choice for a air purifier.There is a lot of technology for air purification existing today, many of them have made some advancements in design and had the marketing muscle to make it their air purifiers a household name in no time.
All these air purifier systems, which have been introduced,use filters and such to remove particulates from the air as the main way.Salt lamps attract impurities from the air naturally,instead of using technology. Another difference between salt lamps and other air purifier technology is that there are no fans to circulate the air, but instead "pull" air natural. This means Salt Lamps are virtually silently to operate,so they can run continuously without adding to the noise level in the home, and without causing any interference with sleep.
Because of the lack of fans in Salt Lamps they are also extremely energy efficient, using much less electricity to operate on a daily basis than their counterparts with blowers. This helps to greatly lower the cost of operating a Salt Lamp, and since air purifiers must be run everyday around the clock, this can add up to significant savings over the course of a year.
Another area of saving is the lack of filters. With other air purifiers, the filters must be replaced on a regular basis in order to maintain a high level of efficiency and effectiveness in pulling the dangerous pollutants from the air. This cost can add up greatly over the life of the machine.
You will be able to enjoy the highest level of efficiency from your Salt Lamp if you make sure that the doors and windows in the home are kept closed. Doing this will allow the air cleaner to remove the particulates in the home without constantly introducing new contaminants into the environment.
None of the above can be backed up by "science" and a lot of people will dispute this claim about the effeteness of Salt Lamps as salvation from respiratory irritation.All I can say is that; for myself who coughs a lot: when I am in my house ( which is full of Salt Lamps ) I feel wonderful and do not cough at-all.
Go to the places where they work in the mines ( or read about it on the Net )and you will find that the people there do not have asthma or any such.
seeour January Sale of Salt Lamps at:
Friday, January 4, 2008
Try A Salt Lamp to Help Your Asthma
Try A Salt Lamp to Help Your Asthma
Having a quality home air purifier is important these days, especially if you, or someone in your family, suffers from asthma, allergies, or other respiratory disorders. If you like to have natural technology then a salt lamp might be a good choice as an air purification for your home.
A Salt Lamp is the natural choice for a air purifier.There is a lot of technology for air purification existing today, many of them have made some advancements in design and had the marketing muscle to make it their air purifiers a household name in no time.
All these air purifier systems, which have been introduced,use filters and such to remove particulates from the air as the main way.Salt lamps attract impurities from the air naturally,instead of using technology. Another difference between salt lamps and other air purifier technology is that there are no fans to circulate the air, but instead "pull" air natural. This means Salt Lamps are virtually silently to operate,so they can run continuously without adding to the noise level in the home, and without causing any interference with sleep.
Because of the lack of fans in Salt Lamps they are also extremely energy efficient, using much less electricity to operate on a daily basis than their counterparts with blowers. This helps to greatly lower the cost of operating a Salt Lamp, and since air purifiers must be run everyday around the clock, this can add up to significant savings over the course of a year.
Another area of saving is the lack of filters. With other air purifiers, the filters must be replaced on a regular basis in order to maintain a high level of efficiency and effectiveness in pulling the dangerous pollutants from the air. This cost can add up greatly over the life of the machine.
You will be able to enjoy the highest level of efficiency from your Salt Lamp if you make sure that the doors and windows in the home are kept closed. Doing this will allow the air cleaner to remove the particulates in the home without constantly introducing new contaminants into the environment.
None of the above can be backed up by "science" and a lot of people will dispute this claim about the effeteness of Salt Lamps as salvation from respiratory irritation.All I can say is that; for myself who sufferers from coughing: when I am in my house ( which is full of Salt Lamps ) I feel wonderful and do not cough at-all.
Go to the places where they work in the mines ( or read about it on the Net )and you will find that the people there do not have asthma or any such.
To buy your Salt Lamp go and see the Little and Large Salt Lamp Offer
Salt Crystal naturally provide the"freshness of the air"experienced after a thunderstorm,making a positive difference to indoor air quality by emitting powerful healthful ions.
Have fun,enjoy and take a risk.
Having a quality home air purifier is important these days, especially if you, or someone in your family, suffers from asthma, allergies, or other respiratory disorders. If you like to have natural technology then a salt lamp might be a good choice as an air purification for your home.
A Salt Lamp is the natural choice for a air purifier.There is a lot of technology for air purification existing today, many of them have made some advancements in design and had the marketing muscle to make it their air purifiers a household name in no time.
All these air purifier systems, which have been introduced,use filters and such to remove particulates from the air as the main way.Salt lamps attract impurities from the air naturally,instead of using technology. Another difference between salt lamps and other air purifier technology is that there are no fans to circulate the air, but instead "pull" air natural. This means Salt Lamps are virtually silently to operate,so they can run continuously without adding to the noise level in the home, and without causing any interference with sleep.
Because of the lack of fans in Salt Lamps they are also extremely energy efficient, using much less electricity to operate on a daily basis than their counterparts with blowers. This helps to greatly lower the cost of operating a Salt Lamp, and since air purifiers must be run everyday around the clock, this can add up to significant savings over the course of a year.
Another area of saving is the lack of filters. With other air purifiers, the filters must be replaced on a regular basis in order to maintain a high level of efficiency and effectiveness in pulling the dangerous pollutants from the air. This cost can add up greatly over the life of the machine.
You will be able to enjoy the highest level of efficiency from your Salt Lamp if you make sure that the doors and windows in the home are kept closed. Doing this will allow the air cleaner to remove the particulates in the home without constantly introducing new contaminants into the environment.
None of the above can be backed up by "science" and a lot of people will dispute this claim about the effeteness of Salt Lamps as salvation from respiratory irritation.All I can say is that; for myself who sufferers from coughing: when I am in my house ( which is full of Salt Lamps ) I feel wonderful and do not cough at-all.
Go to the places where they work in the mines ( or read about it on the Net )and you will find that the people there do not have asthma or any such.
To buy your Salt Lamp go and see the Little and Large Salt Lamp Offer
Salt Crystal naturally provide the"freshness of the air"experienced after a thunderstorm,making a positive difference to indoor air quality by emitting powerful healthful ions.
Have fun,enjoy and take a risk.
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