Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Himalayan Salt Lamps
Deep within the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, the purest salt in the world was formed millions of years.
Talented craftsmen and artists, have carefully select, chunks of this salt and hand-carve and shape, it into a Salt Lamp.
By putting a small light bulb, usually 7 to 40 watts, inside the salt crystal, you get a unique Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamp.
The natural beauty of our Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps are the perfect accent to any room in your home, office, beauty salon, cafe, restaurant, bar, nightclub or retail store.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Why do We Eat" White Poison"
Did you know that grocery store salt is mostly chemical sodium chloride, while natural salt has up to 84 natural minerals in it?
Your body needs salt and has a craving for it and yet we all tend to use store bought salt which is known as “white poison” Why not turn to natural salt, which is much better for you.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Breath Pure Himalayan Salt To Clear Your Lungs
Millions of years ago, the sun, leaving absolutely pristine crystalline salt, evaporated a primordial sea.
When the earth was a pristine ecosystem, this salt was buried under the Himalayan Mountains where it has laid for millions of years.
Now you can use this Himalayan Salt to purifier your lungs by breathing this special salt and making it come alive, setting free its inherent, stored healing energy that can benefit the whole of your body.
If you have breathing problems then use a Personal Salt-Air Ceramic Inhaler with Himalayan Crystal Salt Pre-filled with coarse granulated Himalayan Crystal Salt.
The Salt-Air Inhaler is a convenient, drug-free and non-invasive device for enjoying the benefits of salt-air therapy.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Feeling a bit stressed: Take A Himalayan Salt Bath
Feeling a bit stressed, then now might be the time to think about taking a with mineral-rich, rejuvenating Himalayan Salt Bath.
Himalayan Crystal Bath Salts are made from crystal rock salt mined at the foot of the Himalayas.
Just having one of these baths boosts the immune system and cleanses the body, practically your skin. Lay back in the bath and bring clarity to the mind and emotions.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Is Himalayan Salt is Bad You
What is Salt?
This is quite a simple question to answer: Common salt, or sodium chloride, is the chemical compound NaCl. Salt is a natural product and can be found in many parts of the world in forms. Salt is available on the surface of the earth and under it as well as in the seas. It may interest you to know that salt can also be found on Mars and sometimes salt meteorites hit the earth from outer space. Salt is very important to us and has been for centuries. This can be borne out by the very nature of the word that comes from the Latin sal, meaning salt. Our English word 'salary', is tired up to the fact salt was once a currency, meaning people were paid for goods or services in salt for instance, Roman soldiers were part paid with salt.
Salt is needed to maintain and perform a number of essential functions. For instance salt is a vital part of the system that maintains blood cells fluid and is also used to send important information to the muscles and nerves. Salt can be found hard at work within our small intestines, taking up nutrients as our food is being digested. One very important factor about salt and that is that our bodies cannot make salt by its self, meaning that we need salt intake, although our bodies do routinely standardize how much salt there is present at any one time. For instance if you have too much salt you will feel very thirsty and feel the need to drink lots of water. Doing this speeds up the eradication of salt through the kidneys.
Is all salt the same?
Lets face it, most of us use too much salt, after all chips are not the same without salt. And we known that too much salt, amongst other things, will increase the risk of heart disease dramatically. It really is quite clear, cut down on the amount sodium chloride you eat. There are, as well, other considerations and that is that not all salt is the same. There is the white stuff that sits on everybody's table, but that not the whole story. There are many different sources of white stuff and it is that, that dictates the fact as to whether salt is good for you or not. Below we explore some of the different varieties of salts now available on our shop shelves to see which is best.
Most of us go down to corner shop and buy sodium chloride (common "white stuff") and think no more of it What we do not realize is that the "white stuff" is refined (much like sugar) and it is this that can give us health risk, kidney stones being one of them. In the main, salt comes from the sea. where it may have been laid down millions of years ago in brine deposits. Now your common salt from the corner shop is taken from its natural sources. and heated up to 1200 F, and in doing so, most of the natural elements are removed. So your common salt ends up being chemical sodium chloride, whereas natural salt has up to 84 natural minerals in it.
We all know our bodies crave salt. This is because of the fact that our blood actually contains 0.9% salt, which maintains the delicate balance of sodium throughout your body. More or less every system in your body will use salt to make it work, that's why salt is so important and that is why people used to be paid in salt; because they needed it. It is recommended that we take in 500 mg. of sodium a day to maintain good health. Of course this can varies quite a bit, depending on the persons make up and daily routine. If you live in the Artic your are going to need less salt then if you live in Uganda, for instance.
When you use common table salt, you build up too much acidic edema, which is too much fluid in the body tissue. That is the reason that your doctor will tell you to avoid salt. Without going into too much detail: salt poisons the system and your body has trouble getting rid those substances and this causes all sorts of problems in all sorts of body systems. But the fact of the matter is, that you absolutely need it, but the secret is that it has to be the right kind.
If you have never used good salt, you will be truly be amazed at the tastes, totally different world. Also your health will improve by using good, natural, salt. Good salt is the same as the elements of which our bodies and in the primal ocean from where life originated, the essence of life. It is a know fact that the chemical and mineral make up of our blood and other body fluids are similar to seawater. Good salt is unrefined and still contains the 84 minerals that are needed for the human body to remain healthy.
Himalayan Salt is such a salt, amongst many others. As has been said:good salt, can be wondrous' Salt does not need to be stripped of all minerals save for sodium and chloride. And unlike the sodium chloride you find on most kitchen tables, unrefined rock salt contains more than 84 different minerals and that is just what you need in your daily salt intake.
This is quite a simple question to answer: Common salt, or sodium chloride, is the chemical compound NaCl. Salt is a natural product and can be found in many parts of the world in forms. Salt is available on the surface of the earth and under it as well as in the seas. It may interest you to know that salt can also be found on Mars and sometimes salt meteorites hit the earth from outer space. Salt is very important to us and has been for centuries. This can be borne out by the very nature of the word that comes from the Latin sal, meaning salt. Our English word 'salary', is tired up to the fact salt was once a currency, meaning people were paid for goods or services in salt for instance, Roman soldiers were part paid with salt.
Salt is needed to maintain and perform a number of essential functions. For instance salt is a vital part of the system that maintains blood cells fluid and is also used to send important information to the muscles and nerves. Salt can be found hard at work within our small intestines, taking up nutrients as our food is being digested. One very important factor about salt and that is that our bodies cannot make salt by its self, meaning that we need salt intake, although our bodies do routinely standardize how much salt there is present at any one time. For instance if you have too much salt you will feel very thirsty and feel the need to drink lots of water. Doing this speeds up the eradication of salt through the kidneys.
Is all salt the same?
Lets face it, most of us use too much salt, after all chips are not the same without salt. And we known that too much salt, amongst other things, will increase the risk of heart disease dramatically. It really is quite clear, cut down on the amount sodium chloride you eat. There are, as well, other considerations and that is that not all salt is the same. There is the white stuff that sits on everybody's table, but that not the whole story. There are many different sources of white stuff and it is that, that dictates the fact as to whether salt is good for you or not. Below we explore some of the different varieties of salts now available on our shop shelves to see which is best.
Most of us go down to corner shop and buy sodium chloride (common "white stuff") and think no more of it What we do not realize is that the "white stuff" is refined (much like sugar) and it is this that can give us health risk, kidney stones being one of them. In the main, salt comes from the sea. where it may have been laid down millions of years ago in brine deposits. Now your common salt from the corner shop is taken from its natural sources. and heated up to 1200 F, and in doing so, most of the natural elements are removed. So your common salt ends up being chemical sodium chloride, whereas natural salt has up to 84 natural minerals in it.
We all know our bodies crave salt. This is because of the fact that our blood actually contains 0.9% salt, which maintains the delicate balance of sodium throughout your body. More or less every system in your body will use salt to make it work, that's why salt is so important and that is why people used to be paid in salt; because they needed it. It is recommended that we take in 500 mg. of sodium a day to maintain good health. Of course this can varies quite a bit, depending on the persons make up and daily routine. If you live in the Artic your are going to need less salt then if you live in Uganda, for instance.
When you use common table salt, you build up too much acidic edema, which is too much fluid in the body tissue. That is the reason that your doctor will tell you to avoid salt. Without going into too much detail: salt poisons the system and your body has trouble getting rid those substances and this causes all sorts of problems in all sorts of body systems. But the fact of the matter is, that you absolutely need it, but the secret is that it has to be the right kind.
If you have never used good salt, you will be truly be amazed at the tastes, totally different world. Also your health will improve by using good, natural, salt. Good salt is the same as the elements of which our bodies and in the primal ocean from where life originated, the essence of life. It is a know fact that the chemical and mineral make up of our blood and other body fluids are similar to seawater. Good salt is unrefined and still contains the 84 minerals that are needed for the human body to remain healthy.
Himalayan Salt is such a salt, amongst many others. As has been said:good salt, can be wondrous' Salt does not need to be stripped of all minerals save for sodium and chloride. And unlike the sodium chloride you find on most kitchen tables, unrefined rock salt contains more than 84 different minerals and that is just what you need in your daily salt intake.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Is Himalayan Salt Good For You?
Salt, also known brine, is a mineral that is made up from sodium chloride. It is one of those elements that are essential for life in small quantities, but can be dangerous when you have too much. Salt being used mainly for flavouring food and as a method of keeping food from going bad. Its taste is a basic human taste. Because it is mainly made up of Sodium and chlorine, (chemical formula NaCl), it is a mineral and can found in solid or liquid form. When in a liquid form it is referred to as "brine" Salt can be found all over the earth, and deep down in the earth as well as outer space. Knowing as to where the mineral comes from is a key to how it is made.
You can get salt from the sea just by letting puddles of seawater dry in the sun and there you have salt, although very coarse. As a matter of fact four litres of seawater will give you about 250 gram of salt.
But it is the salt that is deep under the earth that is used as our main source of the white stuff that you put on your table. These mines can be found all over the world, but it is not where it comes from that matters but what is done it once it is mine.
Most salt is refined and that is where it all goes wrong, because during the refining process the 84 minerals within the salt are washed out and what you are left with is sodium chloride, the basic chemical of salt, not the life giving salt that is.
Why do we need it?
Why do we have to have salt? The answer is quite simple: without it, we would die but the paradox is that with too much of it we could also die! So salt is a vital biological mineral that we must have, but must be taken in the right dosage and the right quality.
The main problem with common table salt is that during the refining process it is heated up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. And in doing this it alters the natural chemical make up of the salt. What you are left with is a chemically cleaned sodium chloride, and that is a very unnatural salt that your body will see as a sort of poison. This is what you will find in all sorts of processed and preserved foods that you buy in the shops; and then when you add more salt to the already salted food, well believe me you are not doing yourself any favours. You are, in short, poisoning yourself and setting your body up for all sorts of problems; kidney stones and arthritis being just two of them
In a nutshell: inorganic sodium chloride messes up with your body's fluid balance. The body cannot get rid of this poison and will build it up in your joints and kidney amongst other things. Apart from all that going on, your body will also try and isolate this poison and surround it with water and then you have "water retention" (mainly in your legs)?
There are better salts to use then the refined product that your get in the local shop. Sea salt is one such. A natural product straight from the sea," what can be better" I hear you say. But think about this for a moment; our seas and oceans are now so full of toxins and chemicals poisons that sea salt is now little better then the refined product. To get an idea as to how much poison there is in the seas of the world; go down to your local shop and look how many shampoos, toilet cleaners, washing products etc, there are on display. Read the labels and you will find very few of them are natural and brake-down in the sea. (There are a few Aloe Vera is one of them) All of this ends up in the sea as well as the waste from our factories and what every else gets dumped.
But all is not lost because there is a salt that is pure and untouched by human hand, so to speak. This is Himalayan Crystal Salt, which comes from primordial seas from millions of years ago (well before we started dumping into the seas). This salt of the unpolluted seas preserved as crystal formations that give us the purest salt on the planet.
Himalayan Crystal Salts alive and unrefined and as such still holds the 84 key trace minerals as our bodies, making it easily metabolized. Use this product of the primordial seas and you will create a harmonious state within your body giving you good health and wellbeing, that nature intends you to have.
Get rid of the white stuff on your table and use this lovely pinkish salt that will bring anew taste and joy to your food.
If you wish to know more how Himalayan Salt can improve your health take a look here Himalayan Salt Secrets
You can get salt from the sea just by letting puddles of seawater dry in the sun and there you have salt, although very coarse. As a matter of fact four litres of seawater will give you about 250 gram of salt.
But it is the salt that is deep under the earth that is used as our main source of the white stuff that you put on your table. These mines can be found all over the world, but it is not where it comes from that matters but what is done it once it is mine.
Most salt is refined and that is where it all goes wrong, because during the refining process the 84 minerals within the salt are washed out and what you are left with is sodium chloride, the basic chemical of salt, not the life giving salt that is.
Why do we need it?
Why do we have to have salt? The answer is quite simple: without it, we would die but the paradox is that with too much of it we could also die! So salt is a vital biological mineral that we must have, but must be taken in the right dosage and the right quality.
The main problem with common table salt is that during the refining process it is heated up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. And in doing this it alters the natural chemical make up of the salt. What you are left with is a chemically cleaned sodium chloride, and that is a very unnatural salt that your body will see as a sort of poison. This is what you will find in all sorts of processed and preserved foods that you buy in the shops; and then when you add more salt to the already salted food, well believe me you are not doing yourself any favours. You are, in short, poisoning yourself and setting your body up for all sorts of problems; kidney stones and arthritis being just two of them
In a nutshell: inorganic sodium chloride messes up with your body's fluid balance. The body cannot get rid of this poison and will build it up in your joints and kidney amongst other things. Apart from all that going on, your body will also try and isolate this poison and surround it with water and then you have "water retention" (mainly in your legs)?
There are better salts to use then the refined product that your get in the local shop. Sea salt is one such. A natural product straight from the sea," what can be better" I hear you say. But think about this for a moment; our seas and oceans are now so full of toxins and chemicals poisons that sea salt is now little better then the refined product. To get an idea as to how much poison there is in the seas of the world; go down to your local shop and look how many shampoos, toilet cleaners, washing products etc, there are on display. Read the labels and you will find very few of them are natural and brake-down in the sea. (There are a few Aloe Vera is one of them) All of this ends up in the sea as well as the waste from our factories and what every else gets dumped.
But all is not lost because there is a salt that is pure and untouched by human hand, so to speak. This is Himalayan Crystal Salt, which comes from primordial seas from millions of years ago (well before we started dumping into the seas). This salt of the unpolluted seas preserved as crystal formations that give us the purest salt on the planet.
Himalayan Crystal Salts alive and unrefined and as such still holds the 84 key trace minerals as our bodies, making it easily metabolized. Use this product of the primordial seas and you will create a harmonious state within your body giving you good health and wellbeing, that nature intends you to have.
Get rid of the white stuff on your table and use this lovely pinkish salt that will bring anew taste and joy to your food.
If you wish to know more how Himalayan Salt can improve your health take a look here Himalayan Salt Secrets
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