Here are a few more Natural Remedies for your Asthma
For many of us, the words “natural” and “folklore” bring to mind old wives tales and superstitions. However, even a traditionally trained doctor will admit that those words represent the accumulated wit and wisdom of millions of people. Below I bring together a few more Natural health secrets that t have been in use over time and in different parts of the world.
If your lungs are congested with mucus, try improving your symptoms by taking a hot, steamy shower or sitting in a sauna.
Ginger figures highly in Chinese medicine and ginger tea is a popular Chinese treatment for asthma.
A lot of people do find that Honey is very beneficial in relieving an asthma attack. When they are having symptoms such as chest tightness or coughing, they open a jar of honey and breathe deeply over the opening. You can also mix 1 teaspoon of honey in a full glass of water and drink this mixture 3 times a day as a home remedy for asthma related symptoms.
Try this: if you have a lot of mucus in your lungs: bite into a hot pepper, your eyes will water and your nose will run and also, more importantly your bronchial passages will produce watery secretions which will thin the mucus in the lungs. The compounds that give pepper its fiery effect are oily, and water cannot dilute them. If you need to “douse the fire” after eating hot peppers, eat some cool yogurt or bread, or drink some milk. These substances will absorb the oils and carry them downward.
One of Grandmas best home remedy for asthma is to boil garlic cloves in thirty grams of milk and drink it 3 times a day. You can also put minced garlic cloves in a steaming cup of ginger tea and drink this mixture once in the morning and once in the evening.
An East European remedy to help asthma is to apply a hot onion poultice to your chest. Both the vapours and the heat will help ease breathing by clearing the airways.
People who have asthma find that drinking a glass of milk 2 to 3 times a day containing one teaspoon of turmeric powder helps asthma symptoms.
In Tudor times in England, asthma, bronchitis, and severe coughs were treated with a well-liked remedy: apples baked with honey and served mashed with butter.
Researchers have determined that people who eat apples or drink apple juice on a daily basis do tend to have lower incidence of respiratory ailments.
Another simple but effective asthma home remedy is to boil water mixed with caraway seeds and breathe in the steam created by the boiling water.
WhilstAloe Vera is not a short term quick fix for asthma attack it surly is one of the best natural treatments in the long term because of its ability to build up ones immune system. With asthma your immune system is constantly on” red alert” where the lightest trigger can cause a full-blown asthma attack. Aloe Vera will balance and restore the immune system making it a great preventative measure, rather than for short-term relief of acute episodes.
The benefits of salt therapy or speleotherapy are well known. In the mid 18th Century a Polish health official Felix Botchkowski observed that the workers of salt mines did not get ill with lung diseases. He wrote a book about the effects of salt dust in 1843. His successor Mstislav Poljakowski created a Salt Spa in Velicko near Krakow, which is still in use to this day.
During the Second World War, salt mines were often used as bombproof shelters. After spending time there, many people who suffered from asthma felt that their health had got better! You do not have to go to Poland or the Himalayan mountains to reap the benefits of salt because with just a few minutes a day using a Himalayan Salt Pipe will give you the same benefits as those that visit the salt mines.
These natural remdens do not pretend to be the final answers to your questions about non-drug treatments for asthma. But at least I hope they can give you a better view of what is out there. None of them, in themselves will cure your asthma (nothing can) but at least they will add to your “management tools” to help you control your asthma. The natural remedies are simple observations of a few things and method’s that have help folk in the past, they certainly should not be relied upon entily for control of your asthma and always remember to consult you doctor before trying any of them.
Tomorrow I will be looking at foods that will help you with your fight against asthma.
Breathe easier with salt pipes and salt therapy products

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1 comment:
Great article. Nice to see the true health benifits of salt for once.
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